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33 sunday(16/11/2014) Lazy Catholic (brief version)

33 (16/11/2014) Lazy Catholic (brief version)

Today Gospel gives the primary action of catholism- don't be lazy. Gospel set 3 examples. One can logically analyse, that only 2 examples are logically enough to explain the outcome of the parable!. But Jesus has given three. Why? 1 talent-punishment, 2 + 5 talents- reward
He guides us to reach happiness in 3 steps!(1) NOT TO BE LAZY,develop PEACEFUL MIND (laziness gives you to develop anger)(2) reach WORRY FREE SOUL(following 10 commandments with love)+ handing over your worries/fear/ sorrows to Holy Mary+saints(3) reach HAPPINESS(chasing away other 5 vices)

Book of proverbs talk about perfect wife. Paul says"we should not go on sleeping"
Second and first reading summarises that your active life(without laziness and anger) will lead you to enjoy the good qualities of wife(Bride Christ)

Mt 25:14-30 says"..one He gave 5 talents,another 2,last 1..in proportion to his ability..man..5..made5more..man..2.. made 2 more. But man..1hid..master came..everyone who has ..more..and have more than enough,but man who has not,. will be taken away.." reminds that your unique creation with Talent And body is to enjoy TIME happily.

For that convert your talents to energy.When you have energy, you can easily help another person with your energy, you feel happy in your mind! That your talents become some service to the society!

THE PROCESS INVOLVED is given in this sunday reading

Laziness is main vice same as hiding your talents.

This will lead to achieve Anger easily. Primary aim of Catholism is lost if you have these 2 main vices,leading to unpeaceful mind.
You can develop your' talents by following 10 comms+having worry free mind,by handing your' fears& sorrows to Mary/saints.(2nd stage)

lastly you  have to avoid other 5vices,Pride,envy, avarice,lust,Gluttony to follow God's will. God guaranteed more Happiness(no fear/sorrow)to them.Role of Mary/saints in helping the correct path to follow:

The role of Mary has not been properly formulated by catholic church until 1950. All the other christian denomination, UNFORTUNEATLY have not studied in this aspect. Role of mary at cana and at the foot of the cross, clearly indicates, GOD IN HIS WISDOM HAVE SHOWN US TO GO TO MARY FOR OUR HAPPINESS as an intermediary with HIM. Further this has been enhanced from Miraculous medal 1830, visions of Lourdes 1854, dogma establish on Immaculate conception 1854, vision of Fatima 1917, dogma on assumption of Mary 1950. Finally the 2 saints involved St Catherine and St bernedeth, availability of 2 un corrupted bodies(which there is no scientific al reason) tells us the truth of this story.

You need special energy to follow the above 3 steps given in today's sunday reflection. For this intervention of mary and saints are essential! As requested by Holy Mary, to invite her into your life you should follow 3 major action
(1) wear miraculous medal,
(2) recite daily Rosary,
(3) hand over your worries to her.

With regard to above (3), always you can use latest technology, such as E-petition,or lighting candles etc.

You can easily visit following link to send petitions to Lourdes grotto, to relieve your self of your woes!


At the end Holy Mary will guide you easy path to reach God and HIS intended HAPPINESS for us, to follow the propose 3 steps!

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