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Cycle(2) 30/11/2014 Sunday sleepy catholic - In detail


A.1- new liturgical cycle no2

A new liturgical cycle no2 is commenced from this sunday. A new season of advent also started. Catholic church clearly organized these sunday readings from Pope St Pius V who organized these in 1570. From that time onwards Catholic church universally adopted these sunday readings. These readings were  again reorganized in 1970 by Bl paul VI after vatican II council.

A.2-Jesus' teachings

Total liturgy will be analyzed in 3 consecutive years!.So study about the teaching of Jesus is only thru' New Testament! Church has beautifully laid down the sunday readings in 3 Cycles, for us to learn systematically about teachings of Jesus.
 Last year we started from matthew.(Year/3= qotiont+ residual, the residual gives the liturgy cycle. Ex 2014/3= 671(Q)+1(R). This year we start from mark Gospel. Please note liturgical cycle always commence from advent season. For Example this year is year 2015 advent.


 You don't hear your heart beat, when your walking down a street,but you can hear it when you try to hear it. When you become conscious of something that previously unconscious, you become aware of it. Similarly you are attending God's banquet every sunday. You have to dress properly to participate the heavenly meal. Your dress will be Sunday readings. How Gospel reading related to you. How gospel message has been implemented during early church(2nd reading), how that message is foretold by God before to christ(1st reading).

God say's if you are NOT properly dressed for His banquet, you will be thrown away. Similarly, if you don't study these readings, you are not aware about Jesus message to your life, you lead your religion according to your own convenience. It is not the responsibility of your priest but you, as baptized catholic, fully responsible!(For your own dress!).

A.4. 1st Sunday of advent:

This new liturgical year, we were reminded about the important factors, that we should be aware about catholicism. Other wise we will be sleeping!
It is like a house resting it roof with 4 pillars
4 pillars are (1) our belief (2) our worship(3)our behavior and (4) our connection with God. Once we practise these
Will lead to love yourself, love God, love thy neighbor with happiness of life!

Preamble for today's readings:

 God is overall control of human life. ie Birth & death. You cannot decide from which parents you are coming to this world & what time you leave this world,only God decides!.Modern science cannot override this!.


Pope francis in his 1st en cyclical "The light of faith" says(ref ch 46); there are four elements which comprise the store house of memory which the church hands down: the profession of the faith, the celebration of sacraments, the path of the ten commandments and prayer.
In summary: 4 pillars of catholism are
(1)Doctrine-what catholic believe-Creed-our faith-Holy Trinity
(2) Liturgy-How catholic worship God- receiving sacraments
(3)Prayer- Catholics relationship with God-How we establish connection with God: Lords prayer+ our father+thru' the intercession of mary+saints
(4)Morality- how Catholic Behave-How we live- 10 commandments with pardoning

B.3 Creed
The creed is subdivided into sections. Conveniently there are 12 parts, which correspond to number of apostles.(Hence the reason that the name Apostles' creed became so popular. Before the printing press and many of faithful were ill literate, the only way to teach the faith was to have them memorized the creed. After knowing them by heart, a catechist would later explain and flesh out the fuller meaning of each article contained in the creed.

Present scenario:
Articles 1-1065 of THE CATHOLIC CHURCH focus on the Apostles' creed and the Nicean creed. A creed is a formal statement of a religious belief that summarizes the essential tenets and doctrines of a religion. The Apostles' creed was not necessarily formulated by the original 12 Apostles but originates in what is called the Apostolic era( first century AD) later, in 325, the ecumenical council of Nicea further elaborated on the articles of that creed in response to the heresy of Arianism. That Nicene creed is now recited every sunday and Holy Day in the catholic church.

Let's examine how the creed developed.
(1) Ap; I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth
Nic; We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and of all that is, seen and unseen
(2) Ap: I believe in Jesus Christ, His only son, our Lord
Nic; We believe in one lord, Jesus Christ, the only son of God, eternally be gotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, be gotten, not made, one in being with the Father. Through Him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation, He came down from heaven.
(3) Ap: He was conceived by the power of Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary,
Nic; by the power of the Holy spirit He was born of the Virgin Mary, and became man.

(4) Ap; He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified,died and was buried; He descended into hell;
Nic; For our sake He was crucified under Pontius Pilate; He suffered died and buried.

(5) Ap: on the third day He rose again
Nic;  on the third day He rose again In the fulfilment of the scripture

(6)Ap;  He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead.
Nic; He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead, and His kingdom will have no end.

(7) AP; I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen
 Nic; We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, He is worshipped and glorified. He has spoken through the prophets. We believe in one holy catholic and Apostelic church. We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. We look for resurrection of the dead, and the life of world to come. Amen

(1)Apostles' creed

I believe in God, the Father almighty,creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, and His only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried; He descended into hell; on the third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from there He will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.

B.4 Sacraments(liturgy)

Before to Jesus,worshiping to GOD, was carried out with spreading the blood of the animals, at the offering table. In catholism this has changed to 7 sacrament, which consists of 3 major parts: INITIATION to the church(BAPTISM, HOLY EUCRASTIC & CONFIRMATION): PENANCE (also called confession or reconciliation ) and ANOINTING of the sick are sacrament of HEALING. Matrimony and Holy orders are sacrament of COMMUNITY. Sacraments are sacred rites. The catholic living mainly centered on two sacraments, PENANCE,(their SINS can be erased), HOLY EUCRASTIC(where they  participate, the LAST SUPPER of JESUS).The elements  water, olive oil, Wheat Bread, 14% strength grape wine,is used for sacraments and cannot be changed even by POPE!.Catholic believes the conversion of bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ, at the HOLY MASS. Hence only WORSHIP is given to HOLY EUCRASTIC.

B.5. Praying of faith- Lords Prayer-SPIRITUALITY
Articles 2558 through 2865 of the catechism conclude the book with the OUR FATHER(or LORDS PRAYER). This whole section is on prayer and uses what christians call the perfect prayer( BECAUSE IT WAS GIVEN BY CHRIST HIMSELF) as the launching pad to discover other forms of prayer. Prayer is seen as communication with God but it is a two way dialogue. God gives us insights and grace, and we offer adoration (praise), petition(intercession),gratitude (thanksgiving) or contrition(sorrow) these are the traditional 4 types of prayer that a human been offers to God.
We can adore and praise HIM; we can thank HIM. We can express regret and sorrow in offending HIM, and we can ask HIM for ourselves or others.

Intercessory prayer, where someone ask God's help for someone else, is not only encouraged but also used to explain the catholic custom of praying to the saints. The first commandment forbids giving worship or adoration to anyone or anything other than God himself. Yet ,adoration is only one form of prayer. There is also intercessions or petition,where someone ask for help. There is no worship been done,just a request being made. Because living people have no trouble asking each other for prayers, like I am having surgery tomorrow, can you pray for me" No one objects or interprets it as if the person making the request is circumventing Christ as sole mediator. Even the Gospels have other people making intercession on behalf of others. When the daughter of Jairus, a synogogue official, is deathly ill. Her dad goes to jesus make intercession on her behalf that she be healed(luke8;40-56). His request is granted, and Jesus healed little girl even though she has died. Like wise even the Roman centurion approached Jesus in Matthew 8:5-13, he also made a prayer of intercession(petition) on behalf of another, his servent, that he, too to be healed. That request was equally granted. The catechism then points out that the saints in heaven, including Holy Mary, can intercede for living on earth with their prayers just as you and I can do for each other. PRAYING TO THE MARY/SAINTS IS NOT ADORATION OR WORSHIP,MERELY ASKING FOR THEIR INTERCESSION THAT THEY PRAY TO THE ONE MEDIATOR, CHRIST, ON OUR BEHALF. THE CONNECTION BETWEEN THE LIVING ON EARTH,THE SAINTS IN HEAVEN, AND THE DECEASED SOUL IS CALLED THE COMMUNION OF SAINTS.

B.6 .morality- The living of faith: 10 commandments:
Articles 1691 through 2557 of the catechism of the catholic church look at all 10 commandments as the spring board for moral teaching and ethical behavior for the believer. There is a difference in numbering between 10 commandments cited by catholics and Lutherans and the ones cited by other protestant traditions. The bible itself never assigns a number to any one of the 10 commandments. They are listed twice in the scripture, in exodus 20:2-17 and deuteronomy 5:6-21. St augustine(354-430), bisop of Hippo,was the first to assign numbers to the ten commandments.

(1) Thou shalt have no other Gods before Me
(2) Thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain
(3) Keep holy the Sabbath Day
(4) Honour thy father and mother
(5) Thou shalt not kill (means only HUMANS)(reson: 10 comandment exist before to JESUS, during that time one of the method of WORSHIPPING GOD was, slaughtering of animals, spreading of blood over the offering table.)
(6) Thou shall not commit adultery
(7) Thou shall not steal
(8) Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour
(9) Thou shall not covert thy neighbour's wife
(10) Thou shalt not covert thy neighbours goods
Note: Obs: there are 3 parts, com 1- 5 God & you, com 6-8 deals personal to you, com 9-10 deals with you & society.

In addition to covering the 10 commandments in depth, showing how many sins can actually be traced back to breaking one or more these divine laws, the catechism also high lights the beatitudes from Jesus' sermon on the mount(mat5:3-12) and expounds on the moral virtues(faith,hope, and love). The moral and ethical life of a christian is not limited to just avoiding sin by not breaking a commandment but also demands a conscious effort to practice virtue and do good for others. It also high lights the complete adherence to the natural moral law, that informs every one with reason that genocide, murder,rape,racism, and anti- semitism are evil.

B.7 Out come of Catholicism:

1st step
When you follow catholism, you will develop a PEACEFULL MIND then A WORRYLESS MIND. Then you start loving yourself
2nd step
You develop happy mind, THEN YOU START LOVING GOD
3rd and last step-
You convert your talents to energy for the benefit of the society!.

B.8- Basic action need to achieve the outputs of catholism:

Step 1: avoid anger/laziness/judging others
Step1a: handover your fears/sorrows/disagreements thru' mary and saints to God, carryout actions happily with the concept, if other is correct, to give you the courage to carryout the work otherwise correct the other
Step2: avoid or remove Pride,lust,glutonny,envy and avarice from your life
Step3: always identify your God given talents and develop your talents to be used by the society!.

C. Today's reading:

Gospel Mk 13:33-37 says:"......IF HE COMES UNEXPECTEDLY HE MUST NOT FIND YOU SLEEP....." Reminds very basic truth of life(1) you don't know from which parents you will come to this world and you cannot decide at what time to come to this world (2) you cannot decide at what time your death is(unless you try to commit suicide!). Birth & death of a person is decided by the God, the Creator!. Today Jesus invites us to be cautious about the theories that has to be practice to follow Catholicism, for us to be always wake up!
(Last year same sunday(cycle1)-Gospel:Mt24:37-44(Day& Hour unknown)
More less we have been drawn for similar attention!

Paul(1cor1:3-9) reminds how God is faithful, for your happy life.

Isaiah (Is 63:16-17;64:1.3-8) reminds how God will tear the heavens and come down to relieve us from fear and sorrow

D. conclusions:
During this season, we concentrate on the major change God has imparted for human been. God created you to lead a happy life. Through old testament he trained human how to live. With Jesus HE introduced the new easy life to achieve happiness!. This sunday, He invited to analyse the factors that need to be considered for us to be vigilant. Next sunday, our attention is drawn the deviation (difference) of catholicism to Judaism or specifically the difference between old testament to new testament. This is very important since most of catholics without their knowledge practice Judaism, rather than Christianity!. We might go to church,but if we are not aware how to reach happiness from the new message of Jesus, we will be sleeping or sleep walking in our life!


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Cycle(2) 30/11/2014 Sunday sleepy catholic

Cycle(2) 30/11/2014 sleepy catholic

New cycle!

A new liturgical cycle no2 is commenced from this sunday. A new season of advent also started.

Today's readings:
Isaiah &Paul reminds importance of Jesus message for your happy life.

Mk13:33-37 says:"......IF HE COMES UNEXPECTEDLY HE MUST NOT FIND YOU SLEEP....." Reminds  very basic truth of life,that U cannot decide
(1)parents & time to come to this world(2)time of death & both decided by God & HE has created U to lead a happy life.

For that U should have a MIND
(1)Peaceful&worry less -Love your self
(2)Happy-Love God &
(3)convert your talents to Energy(love your neighbour).

Action required to achieve these 3 is to know&practice
(b)Worship God(7 sacraments)
(c) Spirituality: Establish connection with God-Lords prayer/mary-saints
(d)how to live-10 commandments,with pardoning.

When you practice you tend to control 7vices(sloth,Anger,Pride,envy,gluttony, avarice,Lust)in your life.

No action will lead you not to achieve Happiness in both lives & tends to SLEEP WALK throughout your worldly life without your knowledge!. Today church invites you to be aware about Catholic principles to lead a happy life.

In summary you are supposed to build a basic house with 4 pillars and a roof!
4 pillars you should know clearly(1) our belief(2)our worship God(3) our behevior(4) how to establish connection with God. These 4 pillars will lead to Happiness, the ultimate goal of your existence in this world to reach Happiness. This is going to be eternal!

http://www.sundayreading.net/  ‬

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34 Sunday(23/11/2014) Crowned Catholic. Feast of OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST KING OF THE UNIVERSE - in detail

Back ground:

Last few sundays we reflected:
(1) Catholicism mission statement-LOVE and how we achieve love yourself,love God, Love your neighbor.
(2) To live In the society we need friends. Some friends(parent/teachers) we are grateful(our life time) for their influence for our present happy life!.Similarly we need spiritual friends! Church declared spiritual friends through Canonization process.

(3) Concept of purgatory, allows living ones to pay special gratitude for their loved departed ones, since we don't know whether they are still in purgatory!. Apparition of Fatima, gives some idea about purgatory (1917 may to october). This will allow living been(not for dead ones) to discipline ourself in practicing good qualities such as alms giving, offer sacrifices in gratitude of our loved departed ones. THE MAJOR DIFFERENCE OF CATHOLISM WITH REGARD TO OTHER CHRISTIAN DENOMINATIONS ARE SAINTS AND PURGETORY.
(3) we were reminded about (a)our body is more value than LATERN BASILICA(b)our body can be destroyed thru' death, but thru' purgatory we will go to eternal happiness (heaven)-THREE DAYS REBUILDING ANALOGY(c)while living, we can reach happiness in 3 steps,have a peaceful mind/have a worry less mind/ then removing 5 other vices we can reach happiness (Pride,avarice,envy,lust,gluttony)
(4)Last sunday, we saw, God's guarantee, that if we are on the correct path from peaceful mind(not lazy+ no anger), then if we move to worry less(handing over your fears/sorrows/disagreements to Mary/saints)
then move to happy mind(no vices), you will not have fear and sorrow in your life.

Today, last sunday of this 1st liturgical year, while we are celebrating the KINGSHIP OF CHRIST, how to be feel like a king in our living. It highlights, how to convert your talents to energy, so that you can contribute many things to the society!. If your have money. Then only you can give money to others. If you have food, then only you can give food to others. To be like a king in the society, while you maintain a happy mind with healthy body, how to develop your talents to help the society!

B. Preamble to today's reading:

B.1. God's will: how can you accept God as true shepard:
Catholicism clearly shows the following concepts which are essential truth
(1) God created you to live happily. God has a plan for every person
(2)Every person in this world is different both mental + physical to each other
(3)You cannot live alone in this world. You are always interdependent. Hence you should love each other. You should have both earthly + spiritual friends to be developed.
(3)Fear, sorrow and disagreements will arise while you are moving in the society. How to treat these problems by catholicism is the main difference with other religions(even other christian denominations).
(A) hand over your fear and sorrow to your favorite saint and live happily. Lighting candles, petitioning are few rituals catholics are following
(B) always carry your actions happily. If you are doing same with dis agreements, always hand over such to Jesus, where in Gethsemane, he suffered mentally and at the cross, he suffered physically. Under such cases, you request Him to allow you the courage to carry out the action if it is God's will and if the other person is at fault, even you carry out the action, requesting Jesus to correct him, since we are not aware of all the possible outcome of a action.
(5) Always lead a peaceful+ worry less+ happy mind. Then convert your talents to energy, to serve society, for the Glory of God.

B.2 Catholicism provides shortest path for happiness.
There are 3 basic steps
(1)Have a peace full mind (without laziness and anger) here in laziness one should be careful about not to occupy your mind in gossiping, judging others, where your mind is going to be filled with many unwanted or not useful ideas!. Hence you should train how to immediately slipped from your mind laziness and anger.
(2) Have a worry less mind(hand over all fears and sorrows and disagreements to Mary and saints(identify your favorite saints)+ follow 10 commandments with pardoning
(3)Avoid other 5 vices in your life pride,avarice,envy,lust and gluttony to reach happiness

There 2 basic steps to be followed for a happy person to develop energy from their Talents, and then contribute to the society. Ie

(1)Once you are happy, you can convert your talents to energy according to the direction of God(God's Will)
(2)Once you have converted your talents,to energy, then you can disseminate that talents to society

Please note that, after (all above 5 points) that only it is easy for you to convert your talents to energy!. Then while you have energy, with the support of your spiritual friends, you try to serve the society.


B.3 what pope Francis says about love
Pope francis in his encyclical"the joy of the gospel" says(chapter 272) quote:
" Loving others is a spiritual force drawing us to the union with God. Indeed one does not love others"walks in the darkness"(1 Jn 2:11)," remains in death"(1 jn 3:14) and "does not know God" (1 jn 4:8). Benadict XVI has said that" closing our eyes to neighbor also blinds us to God", and that love is, in the end, the only light which can always illuminate a world grown dim and give us the courage needed to keep living and working". When we live out a spirituality of drawing near to others and seeking their welfare, our hearts are opened wide to the Lord's greatest and most beautiful gifts. Whenever we encounter another person in love, we learn something new about God. Whenever our eyes are opened to acknowledge the other, we grow in the light of faith and knowledge of God. If we want to advance in the spiritual life, then, we must constantly be missionaries. The work of evangerlisation enriches the mind and the heart; it opens up spiritual horizons; it makes us more and more sensitive to the working of the Holy Spirit, and it takes us beyond our  limited spiritual constructs. A committed missionary knows the joy of being a spring which spills over and refreshes others. Only the person who feels happiness in seeking the good of others, in desiring their happiness, can be a missionary. This openness of the heart is the source of joy, since" it is more blessed to give than to receive"(acts 20:35). We do not live better when we flee,hide,refuse to share, stop giving and lock ourselves up in our own comports. Such a life is nothing than slow suicide.

B.4 concept of human creation and relationship to global villege
Today, world has shrienked to a global villege. With a matter of second you can contact a person, who lives in any corner of this globe. Thru' social media systems available such as 
face book
, all cultures in the world are known to each other. Hence your inter dependency has become more wider, making you to have more knowledge of your neighbor. Disagreements among people are ever growing in a dynamic society. Whether my view is correct with respect to you, the difference of opinions are ever growing, making your life much more complex than previous generations!. You need the treatment given by catholicism much more now, in treating disagreements under the present scenario!.

B.5 characteristics of interdependent society: are you powerful?

In the interdependent society, you are always power less!. You become powerful, when another person listen to you only. Only God is powerful. If you have a cancer in your stomach, you cannot remove by your self. You need the support of a surgeon for that. You are powerless. Once he removed your cancer, you regain happiness again. In this complex society, we need the assistance of a Divine Doctor, much more than earlier generations .well defined process given by the catholicism is the easiest path to follow.

Today's reading:
Prophet Ezekiel( Ezk34:11-12.15-17) says God guaranteed be a true shepard for you.
Paul reminds(1 cor 15:20-26.28) that"...just all men die in Adam,so all men will be brought to life in Christ.....". Reminds that following Catholicism you will find Happiness.

Gospel MT(25:31-46) says".....He will separate men from one another as the shepard separate sheep from goat....for I was hungry, you gave me food...thirsty....you gave ......stranger.....you welcome.....Lord when did we see you hungry.........you did it this to one of the least of these......you did it to me....."

Remind(1) God has created you, according to His image
(2) all human belongs to one family
(3)each human is different with body and mind
(4)human cannot live in this planet alone always he is interdependent
(5)challenge is to HOW TO LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOUR?
With ever growing disagreement,fear and sorrow? How to be rich with your talented energy to support your society, since human belongs to one family!

Final goal that has to be achieved by any catholic is explained in this sunday reading. How to Love your neighbor!. By doing so you will reach happiness in this world as well as after death!. To reach this catholicism will provide practical steps to follow.
(1)how to maintain Peaceful(no anger/no laziness+ follow 10 commandments) and worry less mind(hand over your fears/sorrows and disagreements to Mary and saints)
(2) how to convert your talents to energy and disseminating that energy to your living society(charity).

If you don't have energy, you cannot help anybody with anything. First be rich with your talents converted energy. Then you can help in that area to the society!. Don't try to go for all the areas! God will look after that!



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34 Sunday-last sunday cycle 1-Crowned catholic(23/11/2014)- feast of christ the king

Prophet:Ezekiel and Paul says God is true shepard and Catholism leads U to be Happy.

Gospel MT(25:31-46)says"..for I was hungry,you gave me food..thirsty..you gave..stranger..you welcome..Lord when did we see you hungry..you did it this to one of the least of these..you did it to me.."

Reminds you should be rich to serve another. Your richness will depend upon how far you have converted your talents to energy. For that you need to maintain (1)peaceful and (2)worry less mind.

Major problem to achieve peaceful mind is laziness caused from JUDING OTHERS. when you see vice with your friend CHECK
(A)same vice you like, if so first correct yourself
(B)otherwise(if you are sure you don't have that vice) handover to God thru' Mary to correct your friend
(C)God will find a path,how to relieve your friend from that vice.
Remember St Monica took33yrs to correct her Son  St Augustine.

Jesus,asked to throw first stone,by a person without sin,to a woman accused of adultery. NO STONES! Came because everybody understood their sinfulness. Always try to avoid Judging in your life.

Once you overcome Judging others, it is easy for you to utilise your time for a useful purpose. Then you can control your anger to reach a peaceful mind.

From a peaceful mind, you can attain a worry less mind, by training your self in handing your fears, sorrows and disagreements to Holy Mary/saints, for them to intercede with God, to find a solution for you. This is very simple and practical method given in Catholism.
Then you can achieve a worry less mind.

Next step is to achieve a happy mind. For this you should train to avoid other 5 vices(pride,envy,avarice,lust,gluttony) in your life.

The last step is to convert your talents to energy. With good health(mental+physical) and using the available latest technology, you can easily convert your talents to energy. So that you are rich with your talents to be given to the society!. YOU WILL BE HAPPY WHILE THE SOCIETY ALSO HAPPY!

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33 Sunday (16/11/2014) Lazy Catholic - in detail

A. Back ground:
Last few sundays we reflected:
(1) Catholicism mission statement-LOVE and how we develop Love in the society
(2) In the society we need friends. Some friends(parent/teachers) we are grateful(our life time) for their influence for our happy life!. Similarly we need spiritual friends! We analyzed the spiritual friends through Canonization process and how we can discipline ourself with regard to the concept of purgatory. THE MAJOR DIFFERENCE OF CATHOLISM WITH REGARD TO OTHER CHRISTIAN DENOMINATIONS ARE SAINTS AND PURGETORY.
(3)Last sunday, we reflected (a)our body is more value than LATERN BASILICA(b)our body can be destroyed thru' death, but thru' purgatory we will go to eternal happiness (heaven)-THREE DAYS REBUILDING ANALOGY(c)while living, we can reach happiness in 3 steps,have a peaceful mind/have a worry less mind/ then removing 5 other vices we can reach happiness (Pride,avarice,envy,lust,gluttony)

Today, again we were reminded, how to achieve Happiness while we are living on this planet. Highlighting the same vices to be removed!

B. Preamble to today's reading

B.1 Human behavior
In your body there are 86 Billions of Neurons and they form 1 trillion networks. Everyday these neurons are changing forming new ideas(networks). If you are not careful about your life with practice of agreed principles of Catholicism, avoiding laziness, you tend to change your behavior pattern. You need spiritual support to achieve that: attending Holy masses(specially on sundays/with the idea of sunday readings), wearing miraculous medal, reciting daily individual rosary will help you to maintain your behavior successfully to reach happiness)

B.2 main points of Jesus messages:

When we summaries the Jesus messages
We find 3 basic actions that need to be achieved in our life. They are

(1)DEVELOP A PEACEFUL MIND: avoid Laziness and  Anger to be developed in your body. Then follow 10 commandments

(2) DEVELOP WORRY FREE MIND: worrying will block God's will to be implemented thru' you. As shown by Jesus(at cana+cross) hand over your fears, disagreements and sorrows to holy mary and saints, have a worry free mind,
In the case of disagreements, you can request to guide you/develop courage to accept the disagreement, if it is God will or you can request thru' saint to God, to correct the disagreed person, if it is satan work.

(3) HAPPY MIND: once you have the worry free mind, you convert to happy mind, by understanding the other 5 vices and avoid them in your life: these 5 vices are PRIDE,LUST,GLUTTONY,ENVY and AVARICE


In order to convert your talents to energy you should carry out the following 3 actions:

(1) You should have a happy mind
(2) You should be efficient(use the latest technology like email as against post)
(3)Use your available time developing your talents(one or more)

Without your knowledge you will see that your Talents are converted to Energy!
And society will enjoy your talents!


Forming good habits will result you to develop healthy and happy life. In order to develop habit, the following 5 actions are important:
(1) Be interested in a given subject
(2) Reflect that subject, at a given fixed time of a day.
(3) When you reflect have a worry free mind
(4)When you reflect don't think or analyze any other subject matter
(5)At the beginning of reflection try to recollect the summary of what you have reflected on the previous day

The easiest method for a catholic to start of forming habit is reciting Holy Rosary. With Rosary Holy mary/saints will certainly guide you to implement God's direction from you!

TRY TO HAVE MORE THAN 1 HABBIT for a given day. It can be physical or spiritual. For example you can have habits formed which is going to be uniform most of the days, can be as follows:
(1) Getup-go to wash room
(2) Drink water (atleast 500 ml)
(3) Do physical exercise(atleast 20 minutes)
(4) Reciting rosary (20 minutes)
(5) Having break fast

You can organize yourself according to your convenience, but make it a point to follow the habit time table without any interruption in most of the days!

C. Today's reading

C.1.  Book of proverb(Pr 31:10-13.19-20.30-31) defines about a perfect wife and conclude "LET HER WORKS TELL HER PRAISE AT THE CITY GATES" reminds the perfect bride Jesus and our duty to experience HIM,then tell everybody who HE IS!

C.2- paul says( 1 Th 5:1-6),")"YOU ALL ARE SONS OF LIGHT AND SONS OF THE DAY" and advice"WE SHOULD NOT GO ON SLEEPING AS EVERYONE DOES" reminds(1)our focus to the jesus teaching and action should be every time renewed(2)happiness even in this life is guaranteed to you,if you are not lazy

C-3-  MT gospel(Mt 25:14-30) says:
"..one He gave 5 talents,another 2,last 1..in proportion to his ability..man..5..made5more..man..2.. made 2 more.But man..1hid..master came..everyone who has ..more..and have more than enough,but man who has not,. will be taken away.."

When we observe this parable, we will notice that
(1) Jesus talks 3 examples
1st one is just to show how we are going to be rejected(1 example) and another 2 how we are going to be successful.

(2)Why 2 examples for success?

(3) Is it connected to last sunday within 3 days the temple will be rebuild?
Remind us the major actions catholic should carry out (by observing the Jesus character and His actions) to reach anticipated Happiness promised by God to you!

These 3 major actions are summarized here.
(1) The talents given by God to you, has to be developed to convert to energy. Then this energy will be used by society to appreciate the power of God(this is not only the religion but may be art, science.....etc). Laziness lead to anger, and will block your talents to be converted to Energy. If you train to avoid laziness and anger and practice 10 commandments in your life,will result a peaceful mind in your body.

(2) With the peaceful mind, now you are on the positive direction for happiness. Then you should develop WORRY FREE mind. This is where the catholicism plays a very pivotal role, unlike other christian denominations or religions!.Catholicism teaches you to hand over your fears and sorrows to Holy mary and saints. Through their intervention catholics believe that they find a simple solution for their worries.

(3)Once you develop worry free mind, you can reach happiness by identifying the other 5 vices, you should be careful not to develop in your mind. Ie Pride,lust,gluttony,envy,avarice

D. Conclusion
Today, it is having a direct linkage to previous sunday, where we contemplate that
(1) Your body is formed according to image of God, and it is of highest value of this earth!
(2)Your body and all wealth accumulated on this planet you leave with your death. Your Creater, God will provide you the same intended happiness of creation with Purgatory and heaven. So there are 3 stages DEATH,PURGATORY,HEAVON.
(3) Similarly there are 3 stages to reach happiness in this world
 Today it will further high lighted the danger of not having a peaceful mind which will result your unhappiness in this world and the world after death.

In order to direct to the correct path, the intervention of Holy Mary and saints are of paramount importance as shown by God Himself. Wearing miraculous medal with reciting daily rosary and practicing 10 commandments will lead you to the correct path!


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