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Interface Catholic - Instead 12th Ordinary Today Nativity of John the Baptist - in summary

High light:

(1) Why catholic has to follow 10 comms?

(2) Why before to Jesus, jews people had followed 10 comms with Eye to Eye/revenge principle? Means if I hit U,U can hit me, who oversee direct this action?

(3)Why Jesus showed,after HIM, that we have to follow 10 comms with turn other cheek/love principle?

(4) How Holy Spirit, started church, not only to jews but to whole people in the world?

(5) Why Jesus was circumcised and we are not following that in the church? Why Jesus, mary,Joseph not eat pork and now we don't have that restriction? Why there is no male circumcision now,where Jesus had?

(6)Why up to Jesus, worship to God is by spreading blood of an animal has changed to 7 Sacraments in the church?

(7)Why blood cannot be made by science?why God didnot introduce Holy Eucharist, before to Jesus? How catholic priest can convert bread and wine into Jesus body and blood,at Holy mass?are they magicians?

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Today 24th June 2018, we celebrate the 12th sunday mass of ordinary 2 season, but this sunday falls on B'day of John the Baptist,hence the mass will for nativity of John the Baptist.

John the Baptist is the last prophet send by God, in preparing jews for Jesus. So He became one of the major interface between father era, which covers creation, betrayal of adam and eve, God introducing death/sorrow/childhood/paradigm change and death to the people./father training Jews as how to lead their life to enjoy freedom,as originally intended by God, john being the last prophet to be send. Then Jesus practically showed as how to manage fear/sorrow in human life to enjoy freedom given by God. Then only Holy spirit came to enjoy freedom by the Whole world.

Let us analyze the meaning of interface!


is boundary where 2 independent dimensions meet &act on.

To know Catholicism,you hv to clearly identify 5 interfaces

(1)How God created u to lead a happy,free life

(2)Freedom is subject to law. Adam &Eve breaking the law resulted in God introducing fear/sorrow,pain, labour&Paradigm changes to provide novelty for new generations

(3)God& Jews act like master &slave to show how freedom can be reintroduced to humans. Which completed with John the Baptist.

(4)Jesus showed how to manage mental+physical worries.HE introduced pardoning&love instead of eye to eye principle/Revenge,which completed With Jesus’ ascension

(5)Holy spirit instituted church to whole world to facilitate humans to a happy life with instructions on how to manage paradigm change, using papal infallabilty.

Interfaces allows U to know the2concepts before& after&how to move from one concept to another, in accommodating changes.

Today we celebrate the nativity of John the Baptist!

Birth of John the Baptist!

Along with John,Church celebrate 3 birthdays. Jesus(25/12)&Mary(8/8).unlike us who are born in sin,Jesus & Mary were born in grace.

Though St John Baptist was conceived in sin,he is believed to have been born in grace.

He had been thrown into prison & he doubted. He became so depressed & confused that he even sent someone to ask the Jesus"Are you sure you 'are who say you are?"Messenger asked the question in public,with a hash fell over the crowd. JOHN WAS DOUBTING THE VERY MAN HE HAS BAPTISED!.(He saw the clouds open up & heard the voice from Heaven saying"This is my beloved son")But Jesus depended John, telling John was the finest people who had ever lived!.Jesus told the messenger to tell John what he had seen & heard. Jesus never discredit this doubting staffer,despite the anger & humiliation he may have felt. Instead he defended him.

C. Today's reading:

Prop Isaiah(Is 49:1-6): I will make you the light of the nation:

Act of apostles(Acts 13:22-26):"Jesus whose coming is heralded by John:

Lk (1:57-66.80): HIS name is John:


Interface means a boundary, where 2 independent systems meet and act on. The Behavior of John the baptist is the interface between God the father era and God the son era. Father, trained jews how to practice 10 commandments, with eye to eye principle, while son used the same commandments, changing the operating principle turn your other cheek!. From this sunday, the day time beginning to reduce, until the minimum day time you will notice at Christmas!. Date of Christmas is fixed to 25th dec, to show the birth of Christ, which indicate the light of the world. It reminds the 2 slogans of Christianity Christ is the light and Christ is our life is the other slogan, which will be remembered from June 24 to dec 25th.

John the baptist life plays an major role to know the difference of christianity with Judaism. Still jews expect messiah to come!

But christianity clearly identified the birth of Jesus Christ as foretold by many prophets.

God in HIS own wisdom, has decided how to send HIS own son Jesus to this world to show us a path for gaining happiness. the birth of Christ we remember age old prophecies that were made 500 of years in advance fulfilled,that a virgin would conceive (Is7:14), and redeemer would be born of the tribe of Judah(Gen 49:10),

Then we get the present Era of Holy spirit!. Holy spirit has formed church and introduce further changes to accomodate whole wold into church. And Holy spirit Will guide all human how to manage paradigm changes thru' papal infallibility!

Thank you


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