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5th Ordinary Sunday Cycle 2 Accountable Catholic (4-2-2018) - in summary

High light:

(1)What do U mean by accountability? Why we should be accountable to God?

(2)Basic elements for U to live,U need earth,water,air,sunlight,fire& food. Why God has given all free except food?. Why love,pardoning&sex is not basic elements?

(3)Ur earning's result in finding food,when U eat it will convert to blood. Ur lung will convert God given Air,to circulate Ur oxygenated blood thru out Ur body, for U to live. Why U forget God & think only food?

(4)In order to identify accountability, why first U hv to be clear what God has given to U?.Why Ur present life becomes a gift of God?

(5)U respect other religions, but why Ur shy to tell Ur friends,about God?.Is it good manners?or are U afraid?

(6) Does God need Ur accountability to reach good news to others?.Is it only clergy's job?

(7) Why Jesus said"Even if U give a glass of water,on behalf of HIM,Ur reward is guareenteed" Are we responsible for the poor reach of catholicism to outside world. What God will do to us?

Pl listen:

Reflection for 4th feb 2018, celebrating 5th Sunday mass of ordinary season,of cycle 2.Today church invite us to analyze, about (1) philosophy of life, why you are living in this world? What is the purpose?

(2)Theology of life, how you have created. Who was responsible?

(3) Why we are accountable to God?

(4) To be accountable to HIM, what we should do?

Why do you live in this world?. What is the purpose?

There are many answers to this question. But actually why we want to live in thiss world?is to be happy at every time. So happiness become the basic philosophy of anybody's life. 

Who was responsible to send you to this World?.

Can you decide your parents to come to thi world? No, then who decided God is the only answer.

Then Why God has send you to this world?

For you to live happily.

Then why are you worried?.

Let us analyze further!

We know human belongs to one family

You cannot decide from which parents that you should come to this world. Only God decide. Then your father will be God, where your father and my father is same. God has created you according to His image.(Not animals and trees). Hence all human become one Family under christian thinking. Hence we have to look after the happiness of all human, respecting their differences!. That is why charity become prominent in Catholicism!.

What is the problem with charity? Selfishness;

Selfishness having many forms. Normally we say, that a selfish character looks after himself only. Serious selfishness is not that. when you force another person to follow your instruction, for your own benefit, is selfishness. Your action has to be pure and benefit for a society. Another form of selfishness is doing your duty only, where all duties serves a purpose. When you think other person is not doing or incapable of doing his duty, and if you can do that without complaining you have to carry out that action too. Unlike Martha and Maria case, martha complaining!

When you understand what is selfishness, then you should be clear about your duty or your Accountability-

Means willingness to accept responsibility for our actions & does not simply means punishment. Hence it is a key factor in management, because it is corner stone for empowerment & personal growth. If no one is accountable for a project,no one gets to grow thru' the experience of it. Accountability is nothing to do with blame. It has everything to do with individual & corporate growth. Accomplished tasks breed self confidence,self confidence breeds success & success breads more success. THE RICH GET RICHER,& THE POOR GET POORER. Jesus held people accountable by saying "WHAT EVER YOU ASKED FOR WILL BE DONE,WHAT EVER YOU LOOSE IN EARTH,WILL BE LOOSED IN HEAVEN".It appears that we are preoccupied with after life than how to live in this life! & we seem not to know,how to tell others how to live either. Today,paul remind our accountability,of preaching the Gospel. Preaching is from your heart, while teaching is from your mind.


Pope Francis in his encyclic" The Joy of the Gospel" chapter 19 and 20 high light the value of missionary, which we partly reflect today.


Chapter 19": Evangelisation takes place in obedience with the missionary mandate of Jesus; "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy spirit,teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you"(Mt 28:19-20). In these versions we see how the risen christ sent His followers to preach the Gospel in every time and place, so that faith in Him might spread to every corner of the earth.

Chapter 20:(quote)

The word of God constantly showed us how God challenges those who believe in Him" to go forth". Abraham received the call to set out for a new land(cf. Gen12:1-3). Moses heard God's call:"Go,I send you"(Ex 3:10) and led the people towards the promised land(cf: Ex 3:17). To Jeramiah God says:"to all whom I send you, you shall go"(jer 1:7). In our days Jesus's command to "Go and make disciples" echoes in the changing scenario and ever new challenges to the church's mission of evangelization, and all of us are called to take part in this new missionary"going forth". Each christian and every community must discern the path that the Lord points out, but all of us are asked to obey His call to go forth from our own comfort zone in order to reach all the "peripheries" in need of the life of the Gospel.

Picture of job loosing hope

C. Todays reading:

Job(Jb 7:1-4, 6-7) says"At a low moment in his suffering life, Job seem to hv lost hope of seeing Happiness again.

Paul(1 Cor 9:16-19.22-23):I should be punished if I did not preach Gospel.

Mk(1:29-39): He cured many who suffered from diseases

At times we feel that life is more of a trial than a priceless gift from God &that there is no light at the end of tunnel. Where is God? When we pray, even prayer seem to mock us. Catholicism is not a life negating religion - Jesus did not come to take the Joy out of life. Rather, he came to teach that life is a gift from God,who loves &cares for each of us. It make little sense to worry about after-life, if we are not serious about learning how to live in this world. God has created us to reach our full potential &lead a happy life. To achieve that, we must practise our faith while following 10 comms+extend love/pardoning of others.We are accountable to tell others about HIM.

Why today we are reminded to go to a lonely place to have a dialogue with God? Is it really necessary?

Daily you have to sleep, daily you have to eat. Without these physically you cannot live. Similarly you have to analyse daily, about your creator, who knows all about you. Without daily analysis, you cannot get to know about HIM. God in HIS own wisdom, showed us that we should go to mary and saints to hand over our worries! So mary has given us heavenly instrument, which connect worldy afairs, with heavenly matters, ie Rosary:

importance of reciting daily rosary;

Lourdes/fatima apparitions:

Without your knowledge you have developed many daily habits like sleeping,eating, brushing your teeth etc. All these action are earth bound. You feel like flying like a bird, when you are happy! How you counter balance to gravitational pull by spiritual(difficult) pull to fly.

Rosary is best therapy introduce by Holy mary as a daily habit for you to practice.

Holy mary has shown in lourdes(1854) and in Fatima (1917) the importance of daily reciting individual rosary, to develop your awareness, in leading a happy life!

In conclusion:

Forgetting God has created us to lead a happy life is one main root cause for any human suffering. When we forget this aspect, we tend to worship others, bend 10 comms+church rules(given by Holy spirit) to our own convenience. We try to search earth bound happiness in vain. We must 1st believe that God has created us,& then follow what HE has asked us to do. Then we'll see how much HE loves us!

Thank you!


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