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31st Ordinary Sunday Prestigious Catholic (5/11) - in summa

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(1)Prestige means power to impress others about Ur achievements or character etc. Can U realize prestige after Ur death?

(2)Ur born,before Ur birth in Ur mother' Womb.Why U say"Human life is different to animal life?.when did the Dolphine fish write a book?

(3)Do Ur life extend after death?.can U decide Ur birth & death times? Who decide that?.why catholic believe Holy Trinity decide that?(Since God is having different meaning to different people). What is the relevance of Trinity to Ur life? Have Jesus assured happiness now & forever,when U follow HIM?

(4)What is Ur prestige after Ur death?.Does saints have more prestige than others in heaven?.why U respect & request their help?

(5)What is purgatory?. Is it in the Bible?.Who introduce this?.Why Jesus was circumcised?why not Ur not so? Mary showed purgatory to 3 children in fatima,100 ago?

(6) Why in cana,jesus showed us to request to HIM thru' Mary?. Can U ignore this since only one Gospel writer(Jn 2) wrote this?

(7) What is the value of saints to Ur life?. If God is there, why saints?.Do U pray servant of God thomas cardinal coray to raise as blessed? What is the process of canonization?

Reflection for 5th november 2017, celebrating 31st Sunday of ordinary season,of cycle 1. Today church invite us to analyze (1)what do mean by prestige? (2) how you develop prestige in your life when you forget God(3)how you came to the present position, on whose support(4)why you cannot live alone, why you need friends(5)why God has shown you to develop spiritual friends too,alone with you earthly fiends(6)why purgatory is there, how can you extend your gratitude to departed fiend who supported you(7) why you cannot cary your ego atfter Ur death?


Is power to impress/influence,as because of success & wealth or reputation of brilliance of achievement,character.

Jesus opposition to scribe &pharisee's reaches it's climax in the final week,before they condemn HIM to death. HE told"OBSERVE EVERYTHING THEY TELL U,BUT DO'NT FOLLOW THEIR EXAMPLES,ALL THEIR WORK IS PERFORMED TO BE SEEN.THESE LEADERS SOUGHT HUMAN PRESTIGE RATHER THAN DIVINE WILL'they lead a double life,talk-gd game of religious observance,but never showed those on their own lives!.Heart of religion has to be in human heart,NOT in fancy of EXTERNAL OBSERVANCE.They exhalt(to raise in rank,honor,power & character-forgetting God)themselves NOT God!.this is equally applicable to all catholics,not only priest. Exhalting has to be balanced with humbleness. Strings of guitar should not be too tight or too lose to get the correct sound.

You cannot live alone in this world. You need a society. You are subject to interdependent with others. You need the support of many other skilled people to lead your life. God too has itroduced the same theory. HE has shown us Mary and saints. For us to study their character too. For us to appreciate how they live. With worries you cannot carry out God's Will in your life. Hand over your worries to them then you will be brave to take any action on behalf of God. Worries will bar reaching God's Will. It is like a computer With virus!.


To have Earthly friends, starting from your family is earth bound and easy!. It is temporary, when you leave this world you leave them. But developing spiritual friends need more energy. Identify their earthly character, how they have behaved, why they become a saint?. Then your life experience with them?. Why there are so many non catholics go to St Anthony's church? Because their life experience, they know that HE has intervened with God, to get relief for their problems!. Similarly there are many saints Catholic church has declared!.( After a well defined through study- check whether other christian denomination have this kind of process?)

Similarly these spiritual friends(saints/blessed/servent of God) will make you to lead your life without fear and sorrow, after handing over such to them.(They will intercede with God, to provide happiness)

Catholism still preserve, maintaining saints, for us to develop spiritual friends. This process is needed, as shown by God,it is a beautiful method of realizing Happiness thru' spiritual Love of God towards you through their intercession!.

Your present prestige is due to many opportunities you receive from earthly friends too. Can you forget them when they die? No we any human in this world is prune for sins. Thru' confession you cannot remove a guilt of the sin. It is purely a God's decision, how long that you have to stay in purgatory before to heaven.


Purgatory is a concept developed by council of trent. What is purgatory? How long a soul does purgatory last for a soul?only God knows. Old test 2 maccabees 12:43-45 gives some reference. On the first apparition of Fatima, when lucy(10 years) asked from holy mary, where her friend Amilea? Holy mary answered" She will be in purgatory until the end of the world".

That was in 1917 may 13 at Fatima.

1st and 3 rd apparitions give you more understanding about purgatory and the value of sacrifices(go against earth comforts) which is connected to understand more on today's reflections!.

Our separated brethren, PROTESTANTS do not believe in Purgatory also

What is SIN.

When we follow major laws 10 commandments with no enemies and manage our disagreements with other people,(without anger to develop in our mind)we can have a peaceful mind. Then we are capable to love another!.

To understand God loves you, you will see there many in the society loves you, as well as you love them too. Good example is your parents!. Love involves time, money & your heart. Just telling that I love you, will not help if it is not connected to your heart. For the eternal reason God has shown us, how our parents loved us or how our sisters/brothers loved us, when we were child. When we become adult this will change to identify the God's love for you. Unfortunately we are lacking to understand the change over.


Inability to follow God's will is sin, can lead to PURGATORY after your death. If you make traffic offense,it will lead you to pay fine and become free again. May be to show eternal reasons(1)you are prune to sin(2)you can free again.


To live always you need another person support. You respect your parents/friends who supported to make your  life happy. Once they depart U still love them by using your God given TIME,SPACE &ENERGY to relieve them from Purgatory.

If you use such time,space,energy(ex alms giving,free teaching etc) without love, you end up in 7 vices,only cheating your self.(7 vices are anger,sloth,pride, envy,avarice,lust,gluttony) And not achieving the purpose of relieving your parents/friends from Purgatory. Instead if you carry out with  honest love for them, result in a mirror image of your love to God,your creator!. This will lead us  to follow God's Will,to enjoy Happiness in our life even after death too.

So it is the wish of God, thru' holy spirit nformed to us about saints and purgatory.

Todays reading

Prophet Malachi says(MI:1: 14-2:2.8-10)" you have stayed from the way, you have caused many to tumble,by your teaching""

Paul to thessolanion say(1 TH 2: 7-9.13)"we are eager to hand over to you not only the good news, but our lives as well.

Mt(23:1-12) say"They do not practice, what they preach"

Reflects: practice what you preach, the Pharieses were singled out by Jesus as being hypocrites. They were not prepared to easy the burden of others and so became a stumbling block to the faith of many people. We proclaim the good news not so much by what we say as by the way in which we live..


(1)from the day you have conceived in your mother's womb,until now,many people have supported to your success(present prestige)(2)some of them unknown,dead or living

(3)can you forget them/do you have gratitude towards them?

(4)why you became a teacher instead of a doctor?Is it by your own efforts without the support of others?

(5)the success you enjoy today may be due to many intercessions by saints with God,(6)why you remember all saints followed by all souls/1st remember spiritual then earthly FRIENDS) then to forget Ur prestige& develop gratitude towards them

(7)when you value the support of others both spiritual&earthly,you forget your own prestige &develop humility in your all actions


Your success was due to many opportunities you receive from society. Who provided these opportunities? Without those are you same as you today? Opportunities given by eartlhly friends have limitation & subject to 7 vices, while heavenly friends become ideal!. Develop gratitude for all who supported you, then you realize the prestige of your own success is a mirage & all your action become humble. Catholic church provide that opportunity thru all saints+all souls feast+ this sunday reading.


one of the intention of reform of the liturgy which the 2nd vatican council(1962-1965) undertook was to present the mysteries of the Lord Jesus throughout the yearly cycle. Of these the most fundamental is that victory which God the Father gave to Jesus by raising HIM to a new life which is variously termed resurrection, exaltation, vindication, glorification etc. Every sunday is primarily the day on which this mystery is celebrated

Let's summarize today's reflection: the greatest among you will be one who serves the rest. Who ever exalt himself shall be humbled, but whoever humble himself shall be exalted.

Thank you

God bless you!

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