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Reborn Catholic 3/9 22nd Ordinary Sunday of Cycle 1 - in summary

High light:

(1) Renounce means U formally give up or refuse to follow actions against something. Why Jesus ask U to renounce to follow HIM?
(2)Once you are used to certain way of life.Is it easy to change?
(3)Plan,act,verify,revise Is the basic management cycle you adopt in leading your life. What is the catholc method of management?
(4)Is definition of God same in all religions?
God created you to lead a happy life, is it same belief for all religions? No: why you need to follow Bible(specially Gospel) to understand about God defined in Christianity?,
(5)Why God has not written any books,for us to understand & follow HIM easily?
(6)What is the difference between lake,river and water fall? Which one U like to see most? Why?
(7)Why Jesus told Peter"Get behind me satan!",the person HE told"On this rock,I'll build my Church".Is Jesus changing?
Pl listen for 8 minutes:


Reflection for 3rd september 2017, celebrating 22d Sunday of ordinary season,of cycle 1. Today church invite us to reflect(1)how to stay happy in our ever changing life(2) how to easily achieve that thru' practicing of Catholicism

First let us remind, the basic catholc princple "God created you to lead a happy life" then who is God. Many religions are talking about God, are they same?

Then let us analyze whether the definition of God same in all religions!

(in Christianity and other monotheistic religions) the definition of God is the creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority; the supreme being.

(in certain other religions) it is defined as superhuman being or spirit worshiped as having power over nature or human fortunes: a deity.

Catholic, God is triune, where as other, monotheistic religions such as Islamic or judaism, it is not so.

Catholicism gives us an easy method, of practicing what God has asked us to do to enjoy happiness in our life, as guarantee by HIM. For that simply we have to follow HIS will in our life.

A society is formed with many people with different vocations. There is no uniformity in the vocations. Similarly God's Will for you is not same as mine. Catholicism main aim is to facilitate to find the God's Will for you.

Let us analyze how to lead our life to accommodate God's will.

PLAN,ACT,VERIFY &REVISE is basic management cycle,adopted by any person. But when you accept God created you to lead happy life,this cycle before to this cycle automatically you should follow 3 major points.

(1)To reach mental happiness,you should be able to convert Belief to Trust,then to Faith,finally renounce your knowledge,about God
(2)To reach physical happiness,drink water+daily physical excercise+use latest technology(keep changing)+finally keep on renouncing
(3)For overall happiness, convert your fears to courage with help of Mary/saints,then to brave(wisdom of following God's will),finally renouncing.
WHAT IS THIS RENOUNCING JESUS TALK IN TODAY'S GOSPEL? Means you keep on changing your life,according to God's Will for you.

It is similar to drive auto geared car. You drive but God change the gears. Change,you may not like: it may be a cross to you. But God assured your happiness! HIS way is not human way!. Look HE was not bothered to write books,as how to live. HE allow others to write.

Today's reading:

Prop Jeremia (Jr:20: 7-9) says"The word of the Lord has meant insult for me"
Paul says to Romans(RM12:1-2)" offer your bodies as a living sacrifice"
MT(16:21-27) says"If anyone wants to be follower of mine, let him renounce himself."

Jesus have the gift of saying directly and plainly, with a power to penetrate all our defenses, and lead us to a new awareness. Today's message put before us the paradox Of the Gospel. We gain life by letting go of it. If I put my happiness, my being loved, at the centre of my life, then I will surely fail, even though to be loved,and to be happy are really important. If on the other hand, I put the happiness of others first,and love them unconditionally, then I will too will know unselfish love and deep happiness. This is the very insight and wisdom that Jesus puts before us as the key not just to love,but to life that Within that the key to authentic disciple ship precisely as A way of life.

Naturally, you life is changing everyday, whether you follow God's will or not. Everyday your cells in the body changes.
After 7 years, you have completely new set of cells. You cannot stop going into old age!.you cannot stop death. So changes are inevitable in our life. Some changes gives you happiness, while some changes are creating fear and sorrow in our life. When you allow these changes to be under the direction of God, then you know HE will not change your life to make you miserable. You know HE has assured a happy life for you. You can always convert your fear and sorrow to happy by handing over such to mary and saints.(Like in cana) Then you will see with time, you will be happy clearing your fear and sorrow. You have to be patient Without losing faith with God. May be certain changes in your life become immediate cross to you, but when you carry that cross with faith, you will enjoy happiness. The time taken to resolve your unhappy moments to become happy does not have fixed time. You leave such to the hands of God. For example, last sunday we celebrate feast of st monica,who waited for many years to see his son St Augustine conversion. St Augustine was having an illicit attachment with a women who was to be his mistress for 15 years, until at the age of 33, he identified his fault and converted. Monica his mother was always praying to God for his conversion. St augustine told" never can I describe what her love was for me. By her glance as well as her words she raised our hearts to God, if I am your child, oh my God, it is because you did give me such a mother".
St augustine died in august 28, 430 ad, was doubtless one of the world greatest thinkers: as a theologian and phioshoper he is outstanding among church fathers for the influence he wielded.

When you don't have good faith with God,when problem persist, sometimes you might devate from God.
When there's a disappointment, it is not the end. It may be a beginning of a great adventure. We can always begin again. That may be God's will to change your direction.

Stagnant life is like a lake. There is no water flowing out or into it. But a river there is a water flow like our life. But you may happy to see a water fall. Water is changing very fast. Similarly a busy persons life is like water fall. He changes according to God's direction, to serve God and to enjoy hAppiness in this world and next.
Historically you may be a good catholic, but if you don't develop faith and not vigilant abut God's will, God will call you "satan" like today's gospel

In conclusions,

1)in leading your life you always plan-act-verify &rewise any of your actions
(2)but there is a limitation to Ur plan, since you don't know 100% results of Ur action & may be you become sad,though U hv planned according to Ur will
(3)but God created you to lead a happy life& given you KEY TO HAPPINESS
(4)for that 1st follow catholic management cycle FAITH-BRAVE-HAPPY-RENOUNCE,then normal cycle
(5)as a catholic,once you may hv led life like a rock,but failure to develop each step: belief to trust to faith;fear to courage, then to brave;unhealthy to healthy,make you to deviate from carrying out God's will in your life
(6)be vigilant to renounce each step
(7)once you have become rock,but now will HE call you satan?

For that always prepared to be renounced by yourself, according to God' Will!

Thank you

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http://weeklycatholicreflection.blogspot.com Or

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