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3rd Sunday of Lent of Cycle 1 Corrupt Catholic - in summary

(1) Corruption means,use of public power for private gain, but What is catholic corruption?

(2) Is Adam and Eve were deceived or corrupted by satan?. Why they couldn't over come the temptation?

(3) How you become friendly with God? And unfriendly with satan?

(4) Why U say 'satan is bad pay master or liar?' How He promised everything and when you have dialogue with satan,without following God's laws,u end of with nothing?,like adam & eve nakedness!

(5)Why Jesus said"when U drink God' water, U'll never become thirsty again"? How to achieve this state?.

Pl listen the following for 8 minutes!

Reflection for 19th march 2017, celebrating 3rd Sunday mass of lent season,of cycle 1. Church invite us to analyze, how to manage your temptations and not to be a corrupted person in the eyes of God.

What is Corruption?

It is a misuse of public power for private gain,but for Catholics it will have new meanings. It begins in small things.?No, it's not true that this fruit will harm you. Eat,it is good?It is little things,no one will notice. Do it & little by little,you fall into sin,you fall into corruption. Temptations against 7 Ethics lead you to hide yourselves from God & you remain with your fault,sin & corruption. You take temptation of Eve,as an example. Devil appears as a serpent; he is "attractive & with his cunning ness he seeks & deceives. In this,he is a specialist;he is the father of lies. So he knows how to deceive & how to cheat people. He manipulated Eve; he made her feel good &began to talk to her & gradually(dialogue with her),Satan led her where he wanted. With Jesus, it ended badly for devil. Unless you practice 7 ethics,U can't dialogue with devil? You will end up, like Adam&Eve"NAKED". Devil is a cheat!He promise you all & leave you NAKED.

Why Adam Eve was not able to over come the temptation?

When Eve opt to dialogue with satan, He gradually deceives Eve. Satan can manipulate easy a weak human. What do you mean by weak?. When you are not following God's laws, you become weak. It is similar to your immune system. When you are not mentally and physically fit you can easily attract many diseases!. Similarly when you are not following God's law, not only you are following God's Will but satan can easily can have dialogue with you to deceive you.

What is the characteristics of Satan?. He is a liar: he promised you many things and gives you nothing. He is happy to give you worries and suffering. God has not created you to lead an unhappy life. But when you go out of HIM, it is not HIS mistake, that you become unhappy.

In order to follow God laws, first be clear what HE has asked you to do:

10 commandments:

(1) Thou shalt have no other Gods before Me

(2) Thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain

(3) Keep holy the Sabbath Day

(4) Honor thy father and mother

(5) Thou shalt not kill (means only HUMANS)(reson: 10 comandment exist before to JESUS, during that time one of the method of WORSHIPPING GOD was, slaughtering of animals, spreading of blood over the offering table.)

(6) Thou shall not commit adultery

(7) Thou shall not steal

(8) Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor

(9) Thou shall not covert thy neighbor's wife

(10) Thou shalt not covert thy neighbors goods

Note: Obs: there are 3 parts, com 1- 5 God & you, com 6-8 deals personal to you, com 9-10 deals with you & society.

Adam&eve,were fallen to trap of satan, by wanting to be like God.7vices lead U to be like God,unintentionally


(2)Anger:U'r strong feeling,that other is wrong

(3)Pride:Great an admiration of oneself:boasting,love for publicity,hyprocrisy,discord,hard headness,quarreling&disobedience/U'r OWN EGO,forgetting God

(4)envy:"WHY SHOULD NOT I HAVE EVERY THING THAT OTHERS HAVE?(when U forget God has created U for unique purpose)(5)lust:It is a disoriented love that seeks not other but individual pleasure& satisfaction for all your action(forget God,for achievements)

(6)avarice: lead us to be greedy& ends up with fraud,perjury,dishonesty& harshness

(7)gluttony: flows from disorderly animal appetite,obsession with food&drink to point of living to eat,rather than eating to live.



(2)FORGET PURPOSE OF U'R CREATION-you may attract towards these vices,unknownly

Today's readings:

Book of exodus(Ex 17:3-7) says" Give us water to drink

Paul to Romans(RM 5:1-2,5-8) says"the love of God has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit which has been given us"

John 4:5-42 says" A spring of water welling up to eternal life".

Reflection: today, we are greatly helped by the wonderful gospel of the women, at the well. On the 3rd attempt Jesus finally get through to her but after that there is no stopping her. She represent us. What do I thirst for? What is the most important thing in my life?. Where do I now find God?. By relentless challenge and resolute honesty, we too that be let to that encounter with Jesus,which changes every thing" giving life a new horizon and decisive direction. May we come to believe because we have heard HIM ourselves,and we know that HE really is the savior of the world.

Today it reminds about thirst. You can develop thirst for earth bound things or spiritual things. When you develop for eath bound things, your thirst will never quench and you are being attracted towards satan.

To know the spiritual things, you Should know whAt God wanted you to do. For that you should convert your trust to faith, by following HIS commandments.

In conclusion:

Temptation begins small &little by little we fall into greater sin, justifying our actions to be of no harm. In old paintings, the devil is shown as a monk. Why? Because the devil begins tempting by reasoning the action as good and thereby justifying it. For example, the serpent tempted Eve saying that she’ll be like God if she eats forbidden fruit. Of course, being like God is a good thing and therefore Eve eats the fruit. This is how devil tempts us as well, disguising temptation with a perfectly justifiable good cause! Once we fall into temptation, he then fills our conscience with such shame (nakedness), that we may lose all “hope” for ourselves (despair). This creates a barrier between us and God. In order to be prepared to answer temptations, we need to practice the 7 ethics and be strong in faith. Then we will be able to withstand temptation like Jesus did in the desert.

In the old testament there was a man (Adam), a woman (Eve), a garden (Eden), a tree (Forbidden tree), the FALL of mankind. In the new testament, there was a man (Jesus), a woman (Mary), a garden (Gethsemane), a tree (the cross), the SALVATION of mankind. Both stories are opposite projections of each other and depict response to temptation. In the old testament, mankind falls into temptation and become naked (conscious of good and evil) and in the new testament, a man (fully human while fully divine) overcomes temptation and redeems mankind. Jesus demonstrated that we have the capacity to overcome temptation. In order to do so, we must try our best to avoid “small temptations” which will eventually lead to greater sin. The best weapon against temptation is prayer. Pray daily Rosary to get the support of Holy MAry to manage temptations going against God's law. Or when you get such temptation pray a hail mary to manage such!

Thank you!

God bless you!

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