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Tolerable Catholic Sunday 19/2 - in summary

High lights:
(1) What do you mean by Tolerable?. How to be more tolerable in your life? And be happy?
(2) Why Jesus says' LOVE UR ENEMY TOO!?
(3) When you are angry,your blood will get boiled. Is it good for your health?. Do you like to supper in this life too?
(4)Do you think, that you have all information to judge things as good or bad?.
(5) When pilate threw Jesus into prison,HE said"YOU HAVE NO AUTHORITY OVER ME IF IT WERE NOT GIVEN TO YOU FROM ON HIGH"
What Is God's Will for you?
Pl spend 9 minutes to listen to this:


Reflection for 19th Feb 2017, celebrating 7th Sunday mass of ordinary season,of cycle 1. Church invite us to analyze, how to increase  tolerability within yourself. Basically to develop tolerability you should know how to  pardon others. At the end, this will result to develop even to love your enemy.

Tolarability Means that you can bear it,even though it is unpleasant/painful OR it can be fairly good &reasonably satisfactory, but not of the highest quality/standard. To love your enemy you should develop Your heart,to tolerate others for their misdoing. This is one of the most difficult task to be achieved by any human. Ezk 36:26 says"I will remove from your body the heart of stoned & give you a heart of flesh".Jesus showed infinite level of tolerabily in HIS life. After Peter denied HIM 3times,HE told HIM,you are the rock & HE will build the church over him. Judging others(MT 7) will tend to decrease the level of tolerability in your life & make your heart conditioned without your knowledge. To develop pardoning result you to increase your tolarability your heart become real flesh. Main challenge of human life is how not to become conditioned about others. For that avoid Gossiping &practice 7 Ethics specially Pardoning!.

Who is correct?
In order to find out who is correct, it is essential to find what is your life? How it Is connected with other people? Are you an animal?. What is good or bad in your life? What is the purpose of living?. Etc.

You know that you cannot decide your parents to come to this World. You know that God has selected your parents!. For every human the story is same. That is why all humans belongs to one family, God as the father. Once you are clear about who is your father, then you should be clear about the difference between human and animal?.
Human and animals both carrying out actions! But human carry out his action for a purpose, while animal cannot carry out action for a specific purpose. Only difference is that human can behave like an animal, when his action carried out with bad motives. Ideally his action has to be with the love of others. Jesus showed and set examples, ideally how to love others.
When you live, how to lead your life? You should know what are the basic principle to follow: basic moral laws has been given in 7 ethics of catholism. I.e follow 10 commandments, avoid 7 vices, practice 7 each corporal and Spiritual mercy's, administer 7 sacraments, pardoning, love and finally follow church rules. When you follow these 7 ethics, you are trying to follow revealed truths of God, into your life. Out of these 7 ethics, one of the important and difficult to practice is pardoning!.
Outside these 7 ethic, we might come across, many matters falling during our life?. Is my opinion correct?. Always my actions are based on my revealed truths in my life. Why he is acting like that? Is he mad? So many questions will be faced by us when we associate with other people!. In order to identify who is correct? Do you know all factors pertaining other person? No; you don't really know why he is doing like that?.
So you have to really rely upon God, to understand the other peoples acton or to tolerate other peoples actions!.

Let us summarized Today's readings:

Book of leviticus says(Lv 19:1-2.17-18)" you must love your neighbor as yourself"

Paul says to corianthians( 1 cor 3:16-23) says" All are your servants,but you belong to Christ,and the Christ belong to GOd"

Matthew 5:38-48) says "love your enemies"
Main consideration we can arrive at; today Gospel continues the challenge from last week,to go deeper into the heart, the seat of hidden thoughts and desires. The call to conversion is call to give,just as we have received. We are loved and so should love. We are forgiven and so should forgive,we are consoled and so should console and so forth. Why is that? Because the love etc,that we have received becomes truly"me" only when I pass it on. Only then have I experienced the message of Prophet. I will remove from your body the heart of stoned and give you a heart of flesh(Ezk 36:26)

It will be difficult to think how to love our enemies!. But Gospel suggest you to practice more: like turning the other cheek: giving without expecting repayment: refusing to pass judgment on people: praying those who ill treat you: it will be hard to find another passage in the Gospel that's so much at odds with our normal way of behaving.

 Jesus was very strong to show HIS loving approach to people. Love one another HE urged 'as I have loved you'(jn 15:12). HE had a particular love for people on the margins: the sick, the sinners,the samiritans, "outsiders" of all kinds. As a character HE was no weakling. HE stood up very forcefully to people like pharisee' who was impose on little people burdens too heavy to bear. HE urged the woman in adultery 'not to sin again'  but refuse to condemn her(Jn 8:11). HE managed to turn the other cheek even when nailed to a cross" Father forgive them........" Lk (23:34). HE is not just a author ,HE is the product of HIS own Gospel. HE lived by rules that HE urges on us. HE is the outstanding example of Christian attitude. Today HE is inviting you, to come on a long jouney with HIM. All of us has come a certain distance: HE is trying to move us on a little more. HE is reminding us that a group of values by which we tend to live should be dug up, that is a dfferent set of values, such as openness, and forgiveness and even love of enemies, should be planted in their place., and that the best way for each of us to live is the way that HE lived Himself. He is saying . You are following me so far,and I apprecaite that just come the extra mile!.

 In conclusons:
Todays church Reminds us around 7 major points:
(1)most difficult things to carry out in ur life is
(2)when you don't train urself to achieve this difficult tasks,you are developing silence anger in your body.
(3)Persistent anger with you,bar your good health as well as bar God's will to be enforced thru' you.
(4) You are not avail of all information,why other person acting like that,hence you cannot brand any person good or bad
(5)when your actions are not for the love of God,but for earth bound cravings,it is easy to make enemies & you will be frustrated one day, since without your knowledge your actions are oriented towards earth bound cravings
(6)1st identify Ethics&practice it for the love of God( since you have many reasons to love HIM)
(7)to develop love with neighbor,avoid judging&practice pardoning.

When you practice above 7 points, you are driving auto geared car, you navgate only, the car will automatically put gears, depending upon the speed.

God has reintroduced our Freedom. Every human wants to lead their life happily. To achieve that we need physical+mental health with appropriate management of wealth,power & desires. Today, church highlights how to achieve good physical+mental health. Loving one’s neighbour, including any enemies leads to a peaceful life, without our blood getting hot. When our blood gets hot, it leads to anger,resulting in many physical disorders. This will act as a barrier when trying to understand God's will for us

During these 7 sundays,church clearly explain, how to be Christ follower. How your trust of God converted to faith/thru' Repentance,how you are going to be grace with God/how you balance your life like salt and light/how you are going to receive the god gift of wisdom/how you are going to understand the morality of life/how to mange matters outside this morality/ value of pardoning/ all these factors you should be avail of to convert your 7 ethical actions to be carried out out of love!. Today it highlighted how to increase tolerablity in your life!


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