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Cycle 1: Season: ordinary 1: Sunday no-8 Date:26/2/2017 Stable catholic - in detail

High light:
(1)When U don't hv a tooth ache,UR not even aware that U hv a tooth. Why U say HAPPINESS release U from self?.
(2) What U mean by self?.why U say suffering/pain/misery/depression tie U to self?
(3)Why Jesus said in Mt 6" Consider the Lilies of the field.....they neither toil nor spin? Is it loosing oneself, in order to find oneself?
(4) How to be stable and happy when confronting misery?
(5)What is the role of God in your life?

Pl spend around 9 minutes to listen to this


Reflection for 26th Feb 2017, celebrating 8th Sunday mass of ordinary season,of cycle 1. Church invite us to analyze, how to lead a stable life. How to be happy. What you mean by happiness?.how to loose oneself, to find one self!

Major problem of human character is to label or branding of persons! To understand this let us listen to the following story about labeling:
A man bought a stallion& his friends said THAT'S GOOD. Next day the stallion ran away& his friends said "THAT'S BAD". Two weeks later, the stallion returned with a herd of mares. His friends said THAT'S GOOD. One day his son broke his shoulder when the stallion threw him off &friends said THAT'S BAD. Later on, war broke out &since the boy was injured,he could not go to war! The story goes on& on highlighting people judging events as GOOD or BAD when in reality, all events are connected & have an impact on each other. Trying to sort good from bad& putting labels on events that are constantly changing their shape can make you crazy & unstable. When you convert your trust to FAITH WITH GOD(by following 7Ethics  & carry out actions out of love),you ignore labels,without going mad,since God leads U to Happiness! Hence God is your only source in control of your life.

If you can stay stable and steady when confronting misery and happy, you are experiencing true freedom of life. This is catholic life!

stable as applied for you, is the state of equilibrium of your body(such as pendulum hanging directly down ward from its point of support)such that when the body is slightly displaced it tries to return to its original position
(2)here the original position is your happiness(remove oneness ex: when you don't have tooth ache,you are not concise about your teeth)
(3)how quick you can convert your unhappiness to happiness,is a measure of your stability
(4)God has created you to be happy
(5)when you follow HIS 7 Ethics out of love,your happiness is guaranteed by HIM
(6) then you can easily pardon your enemies too
(7)when you make HIM 1st in your life,God will not allow you to carry today's worry till Tomorrow,like lile in the field..they neither toil..,nor spin.

As you see, labeling and stability plays a vital role in your life. When you forget God you start labeling. Then your stability moves. Labeling you start comparing with yourself. Sometimes this might lead to anger and jealousy. What is happiness?. When there is a tooth ache, then only you realize that there is a tooth. When there is no tooth ache you forget the tooth. Happiness means how to forget Self. When you say, my friends are not coming to see me, you are thinking about yourself. Then you start worrying.
Stability means how can you train yourself to Quickly forget about yourself: when there is a tooth ache you try to curb the ache with medicine. When you are unhappy how quick that you can make yourself happy?. is the stability of your life. When you can forget"oneself", you can become happy: to do that you should know about God. To know about HIM, you should know HIS commandments: that is 7 ethics: practice those out of love to the society. The rest God will look after you!. For ths important aspects that we should take treatment is for anger, for jealousy, for Gossiping, for unnecessary worrying yourself etc. For this main action one should practice is pardoning and develop love for God and always think God created you to lead a happy life. Always think that your body is a rented house of God. It is God who will maintain your body.  For this you should forget your oneness.
When you develop oneness, it will cause you depression and you become unhealthy in your life. God actions cannot implement thru' you!. You might become angry, but don't keep that anger for long period, specially don't keep it more than a day.

Todays reading:

Prophet isaiah says(Is 49:14-15) says" I will never forget you".
Paul says to coranthians(1 cor 4:1-5)" The lord will reveal the secret intentions of mens heart"
Mt:(6:25-32) says"do not worry about to morrow".

Reflection: what is the true message for us?
It is the question of what we put 1st in our lives? We recognize this by going back over recent choices and decisions- even simple observations, such as what to I devote time to?jesus? Teaching is to put the kingdom, first and after that every thing will find it's just place".

Mt 10:29-31 says" not one sparrow falls to the ground without your father knowing.. So there is no need to be afraid you are worthy more than many sparrows". God providence is protective as long as you have faith on HIM. No harm what ever fall us that his role is similar to father or mother, who keeps a child from falling into fire or running out on the road in front of a moving car. But God's providence appears to be discriminating.  God knows or ought to know,the people who least deserve to suffer or who have already suffered enough. It appears God providence to be responsive that there should be a proportionate response of God, to the prayers we say, or the sacrifice that we have made for a particular intentions.
No doubt that God answered our specific situations. As example: Christ cured the centurion servant, as requested by centurion. He cured the cananite woman who knelt at HIS from faith( Mt 15:26).HE cured blind Barthalomus, whose faith Would not let HIM shut up. HE healed 10 osterised lepers, whose prayers carried the full distance, because HE pitied them from HIS heart.(Lk 17:14). Time and again, God intervene to heal people, and always linked with faith, but HE didn't heal,every body, in every where, so that the world became a disease free zone. The forces of disease or death are still, destructive at work.  God providence is not protective in the sense,that it preserve us from all these forces. It is not discriminating either in that it makes a nice distinction between the wicked and the good. Nor is it responsive to all specific requests. If it were, we would get every thing for which what we asked!.

To worry excessively, Jesus tells us in the gospel, is to risk becoming an un believer. The unbelievers always running after these things. Then comes the convincer," your heavenly father knows all that you need. Seek HIS kinship over you, HIS way of holiness,and all these thing will give you beside.

In conclusions:
Can you judge events to be good/bad since you don't have access to all information? No. When you forget God is the only source of controlling your life, you become crazy one time, since you cannot rationalize the continuity of events happening and become frustrated at any stage in your life.

During this 8 sundays: church direct us to understand the basic christianity & the outcome you reach following catholism.
During these 8 sundays,(about 20% average ordinary times)you got to know How our trust in God is converted to faith/thru' repentance,how we can experience God’s Grace/how we can balance our life like salt and light/how we can receive God’s gift of wisdom/how we can understand the morality of life/how to mange matters outside the accepted or taught morality/how to increase Ur Tolerrability/ value of pardoning. We should have a good understanding of all these factors to convert the 7 ethical actions to be carried out of love! Today’s God further reassure our happiness.
How to train yourself to remove oneness!
Finally, what does God's providence means"HE is personally concern each one of us that we are more precise to HIM than the birds of the air or the lilies of the field.
Catholicism provide you the easy path to achieve happiness!

Thank you

For more pl visit:
http://weeklycatholicreflection.blogspot.com Or
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8th ordinary sunday cycle 1 stable catholic 26-2-2017 - in summary

High light:

(1)When U don't hv a tooth ache,UR not even aware that U hv a tooth. Why U say HAPPINESS release U from self?.

(2) What U mean by self?.why U say suffering/pain/misery/depression tie U to self?

(3)Why Jesus said in Mt 6" Consider the Lilies of the field.....they neither toil nor spin? Is it loosing oneself, in order to find oneself?

(4) How to be stable and happy when confronting misery?

(5)What is the role of God in your life?

Pl spend around 9 minutes to listen to this


Reflection for 26th Feb 2017, celebrating 8th Sunday mass of ordinary season,of cycle 1. Church invite us to analyze, how to lead a stable life. How to be happy. What you mean by happiness?.how to loose oneself, to find one self!

Major problem of human character is to label or branding of persons! To understand this let us listen to the following story about labeling:

A man bought a stallion& his friends said THAT'S GOOD. Next day the stallion ran away& his friends said "THAT'S BAD". Two weeks later, the stallion returned with a herd of mares. His friends said THAT'S GOOD. One day his son broke his shoulder when the stallion threw him off &friends said THAT'S BAD. Later on, war broke out &since the boy was injured,he could not go to war! The story goes on& on highlighting people judging events as GOOD or BAD when in reality, all events are connected & have an impact on each other. Trying to sort good from bad& putting labels on events that are constantly changing their shape can make you crazy & unstable. When you convert your trust to FAITH WITH GOD(by following 7Ethics & carry out actions out of love),you ignore labels,without going mad,since God leads U to Happiness! Hence God is your only source in control of your life.

If you can stay stable and steady when confronting misery and happy, you are experiencing true freedom of life. This is catholic life!


stable as applied for you, is the state of equilibrium of your body(such as pendulum hanging directly down ward from its point of support)such that when the body is slightly displaced it tries to return to its original position

(2)here the original position is your happiness(remove oneness ex: when you don't have tooth ache,you are not concise about your teeth)

(3)how quick you can convert your unhappiness to happiness,is a measure of your stability

(4)God has created you to be happy

(5)when you follow HIS 7 Ethics out of love,your happiness is guaranteed by HIM

(6) then you can easily pardon your enemies too

(7)when you make HIM 1st in your life,God will not allow you to carry today's worry till Tomorrow,like lile in the field..they neither toil..,nor spin.

As you see, labeling and stability plays a vital role in your life. When you forget God you start labeling. Then your stability moves. Labeling you start comparing with yourself. Sometimes this might lead to anger and jealousy. What is happiness?. When there is a tooth ache, then only you realize that there is a tooth. When there is no tooth ache you forget the tooth. Happiness means how to forget Self. When you say, my friends are not coming to see me, you are thinking about yourself. Then you start worrying.

Stability means how can you train yourself to Quickly forget about yourself: when there is a tooth ache you try to curb the ache with medicine. When you are unhappy how quick that you can make yourself happy?. is the stability of your life. When you can forget"oneself", you can become happy: to do that you should know about God. To know about HIM, you should know HIS commandments: that is 7 ethics: practice those out of love to the society. The rest God will look after you!. For ths important aspects that we should take treatment is for anger, for jealousy, for Gossiping, for unnecessary worrying yourself etc. For this main action one should practice is pardoning and develop love for God and always think God created you to lead a happy life. Always think that your body is a rented house of God. It is God who will maintain your body. For this you should forget your oneness.

When you develop oneness, it will cause you depression and you become unhealthy in your life. God actions cannot implement thru' you!. You might become angry, but don't keep that anger for long period, specially don't keep it more than a day.

Todays reading:

Prophet isaiah says(Is 49:14-15) says" I will never forget you".

Paul says to coranthians(1 cor 4:1-5)" The lord will reveal the secret intentions of mens heart"

Mt:(6:25-32) says"do not worry about to morrow".

Reflection: what is the true message for us?

It is the question of what we put 1st in our lives? We recognize this by going back over recent choices and decisions- even simple observations, such as what to I devote time to?jesus? Teaching is to put the kingdom, first and after that every thing will find it's just place".

Mt 10:29-31 says" not one sparrow falls to the ground without your father knowing.. So there is no need to be afraid you are worthy more than many sparrows". God providence is protective as long as you have faith on HIM. No harm what ever fall us that his role is similar to father or mother, who keeps a child from falling into fire or running out on the road in front of a moving car. But God's providence appears to be discriminating. God knows or ought to know,the people who least deserve to suffer or who have already suffered enough. It appears God providence to be responsive that there should be a proportionate response of God, to the prayers we say, or the sacrifice that we have made for a particular intentions.

No doubt that God answered our specific situations. As example: Christ cured the centurion servant, as requested by centurion. He cured the cananite woman who knelt at HIS from faith( Mt 15:26).HE cured blind Barthalomus, whose faith Would not let HIM shut up. HE healed 10 osterised lepers, whose prayers carried the full distance, because HE pitied them from HIS heart.(Lk 17:14). Time and again, God intervene to heal people, and always linked with faith, but HE didn't heal,every body, in every where, so that the world became a disease free zone. The forces of disease or death are still, destructive at work. God providence is not protective in the sense,that it preserve us from all these forces. It is not discriminating either in that it makes a nice distinction between the wicked and the good. Nor is it responsive to all specific requests. If it were, we would get every thing for which what we asked!.

To worry excessively, Jesus tells us in the gospel, is to risk becoming an un believer. The unbelievers always running after these things. Then comes the convincer," your heavenly father knows all that you need. Seek HIS kinship over you, HIS way of holiness,and all these thing will give you beside.

In conclusions:

Can you judge events to be good/bad since you don't have access to all information? No. When you forget God is the only source of controlling your life, you become crazy one time, since you cannot rationalize the continuity of events happening and become frustrated at any stage in your life.

During this 8 sundays: church direct us to understand the basic christianity & the outcome you reach following catholism.

During these 8 sundays,(about 20% average ordinary times)you got to know How our trust in God is converted to faith/thru' repentance,how we can experience God’s Grace/how we can balance our life like salt and light/how we can receive God’s gift of wisdom/how we can understand the morality of life/how to mange matters outside the accepted or taught morality/how to increase Ur Tolerrability/ value of pardoning. We should have a good understanding of all these factors to convert the 7 ethical actions to be carried out of love! Today’s God further reassure our happiness.

How to train yourself to remove oneness!

Finally, what does God's providence means"HE is personally concern each one of us that we are more precise to HIM than the birds of the air or the lilies of the field.

Catholicism provide you the easy path to achieve happiness!

Thank you


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Cycle 1: Season: ordinary 1: Sunday no-7 Date:19/2/2017 tolerable catholic - in detail

High lights:
(1) What do you mean by Tolerable?. How to be more tolerable in your life? And be happy?
(2) Why Jesus says' LOVE UR ENEMY TOO!?
(3) When you are angry,your blood will get boiled. Is it good for your health?. Do you like to supper in this life too?
(4)Do you think, that you have all information to judge things as good or bad?.
(5) When pilate threw Jesus into prison,HE said"YOU HAVE NO AUTHORITY OVER ME IF IT WERE NOT GIVEN TO YOU FROM ON HIGH"
What Is God's Will for you?
Pl spend 9 minutes to listen to this:


Reflection for 19th Feb 2017, celebrating 7th Sunday mass of ordinary season,of cycle 1. Church invite us to analyze, how to increase  tolerability within yourself. Basically to develop tolerability you should know how to  pardon others. At the end, this will result to develop even to love your enemy.

Tolarability Means that you can bear it,even though it is unpleasant/painful OR it can be fairly good &reasonably satisfactory, but not of the highest quality/standard. To love your enemy you should develop Your heart,to tolerate others for their misdoing. This is one of the most difficult task to be achieved by any human. Ezk 36:26 says"I will remove from your body the heart of stoned & give you a heart of flesh".Jesus showed infinite level of tolerabily in HIS life. After Peter denied HIM 3times,HE told HIM,you are the rock & HE will build the church over him. Judging others(MT 7) will tend to decrease the level of tolerability in your life & make your heart conditioned without your knowledge. To develop pardoning result you to increase your tolarability your heart become real flesh. Main challenge of human life is how not to become conditioned about others. For that avoid Gossiping &practice 7 Ethics specially Pardoning!.

Who is correct?
In order to find out who is correct, it is essential to find what is your life? How it Is connected with other people? Are you an animal?. What is good or bad in your life? What is the purpose of living?. Etc.

You know that you cannot decide your parents to come to this World. You know that God has selected your parents!. For every human the story is same. That is why all humans belongs to one family, God as the father. Once you are clear about who is your father, then you should be clear about the difference between human and animal?.
Human and animals both carrying out actions! But human carry out his action for a purpose, while animal cannot carry out action for a specific purpose. Only difference is that human can behave like an animal, when his action carried out with bad motives. Ideally his action has to be with the love of others. Jesus showed and set examples, ideally how to love others.
When you live, how to lead your life? You should know what are the basic principle to follow: basic moral laws has been given in 7 ethics of catholism. I.e follow 10 commandments, avoid 7 vices, practice 7 each corporal and Spiritual mercy's, administer 7 sacraments, pardoning, love and finally follow church rules. When you follow these 7 ethics, you are trying to follow revealed truths of God, into your life. Out of these 7 ethics, one of the important and difficult to practice is pardoning!.
Outside these 7 ethic, we might come across, many matters falling during our life?. Is my opinion correct?. Always my actions are based on my revealed truths in my life. Why he is acting like that? Is he mad? So many questions will be faced by us when we associate with other people!. In order to identify who is correct? Do you know all factors pertaining other person? No; you don't really know why he is doing like that?.
So you have to really rely upon God, to understand the other peoples acton or to tolerate other peoples actions!.

Let us summarized Today's readings:

Book of leviticus says(Lv 19:1-2.17-18)" you must love your neighbor as yourself"

Paul says to corianthians( 1 cor 3:16-23) says" All are your servants,but you belong to Christ,and the Christ belong to GOd"

Matthew 5:38-48) says "love your enemies"
Main consideration we can arrive at; today Gospel continues the challenge from last week,to go deeper into the heart, the seat of hidden thoughts and desires. The call to conversion is call to give,just as we have received. We are loved and so should love. We are forgiven and so should forgive,we are consoled and so should console and so forth. Why is that? Because the love etc,that we have received becomes truly"me" only when I pass it on. Only then have I experienced the message of Prophet. I will remove from your body the heart of stoned and give you a heart of flesh(Ezk 36:26)

It will be difficult to think how to love our enemies!. But Gospel suggest you to practice more: like turning the other cheek: giving without expecting repayment: refusing to pass judgment on people: praying those who ill treat you: it will be hard to find another passage in the Gospel that's so much at odds with our normal way of behaving.

 Jesus was very strong to show HIS loving approach to people. Love one another HE urged 'as I have loved you'(jn 15:12). HE had a particular love for people on the margins: the sick, the sinners,the samiritans, "outsiders" of all kinds. As a character HE was no weakling. HE stood up very forcefully to people like pharisee' who was impose on little people burdens too heavy to bear. HE urged the woman in adultery 'not to sin again'  but refuse to condemn her(Jn 8:11). HE managed to turn the other cheek even when nailed to a cross" Father forgive them........" Lk (23:34). HE is not just a author ,HE is the product of HIS own Gospel. HE lived by rules that HE urges on us. HE is the outstanding example of Christian attitude. Today HE is inviting you, to come on a long jouney with HIM. All of us has come a certain distance: HE is trying to move us on a little more. HE is reminding us that a group of values by which we tend to live should be dug up, that is a dfferent set of values, such as openness, and forgiveness and even love of enemies, should be planted in their place., and that the best way for each of us to live is the way that HE lived Himself. He is saying . You are following me so far,and I apprecaite that just come the extra mile!.

 In conclusons:
Todays church Reminds us around 7 major points:
(1)most difficult things to carry out in ur life is
(2)when you don't train urself to achieve this difficult tasks,you are developing silence anger in your body.
(3)Persistent anger with you,bar your good health as well as bar God's will to be enforced thru' you.
(4) You are not avail of all information,why other person acting like that,hence you cannot brand any person good or bad
(5)when your actions are not for the love of God,but for earth bound cravings,it is easy to make enemies & you will be frustrated one day, since without your knowledge your actions are oriented towards earth bound cravings
(6)1st identify Ethics&practice it for the love of God( since you have many reasons to love HIM)
(7)to develop love with neighbor,avoid judging&practice pardoning.

When you practice above 7 points, you are driving auto geared car, you navgate only, the car will automatically put gears, depending upon the speed.

God has reintroduced our Freedom. Every human wants to lead their life happily. To achieve that we need physical+mental health with appropriate management of wealth,power & desires. Today, church highlights how to achieve good physical+mental health. Loving one’s neighbour, including any enemies leads to a peaceful life, without our blood getting hot. When our blood gets hot, it leads to anger,resulting in many physical disorders. This will act as a barrier when trying to understand God's will for us

During these 7 sundays,church clearly explain, how to be Christ follower. How your trust of God converted to faith/thru' Repentance,how you are going to be grace with God/how you balance your life like salt and light/how you are going to receive the god gift of wisdom/how you are going to understand the morality of life/how to mange matters outside this morality/ value of pardoning/ all these factors you should be avail of to convert your 7 ethical actions to be carried out out of love!. Today it highlighted how to increase tolerablity in your life!


For more pl visit:
http://weeklycatholicreflection.blogspot.com Or
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Tolerable Catholic Sunday 19/2 - in summary

High lights:
(1) What do you mean by Tolerable?. How to be more tolerable in your life? And be happy?
(2) Why Jesus says' LOVE UR ENEMY TOO!?
(3) When you are angry,your blood will get boiled. Is it good for your health?. Do you like to supper in this life too?
(4)Do you think, that you have all information to judge things as good or bad?.
(5) When pilate threw Jesus into prison,HE said"YOU HAVE NO AUTHORITY OVER ME IF IT WERE NOT GIVEN TO YOU FROM ON HIGH"
What Is God's Will for you?
Pl spend 9 minutes to listen to this:


Reflection for 19th Feb 2017, celebrating 7th Sunday mass of ordinary season,of cycle 1. Church invite us to analyze, how to increase  tolerability within yourself. Basically to develop tolerability you should know how to  pardon others. At the end, this will result to develop even to love your enemy.

Tolarability Means that you can bear it,even though it is unpleasant/painful OR it can be fairly good &reasonably satisfactory, but not of the highest quality/standard. To love your enemy you should develop Your heart,to tolerate others for their misdoing. This is one of the most difficult task to be achieved by any human. Ezk 36:26 says"I will remove from your body the heart of stoned & give you a heart of flesh".Jesus showed infinite level of tolerabily in HIS life. After Peter denied HIM 3times,HE told HIM,you are the rock & HE will build the church over him. Judging others(MT 7) will tend to decrease the level of tolerability in your life & make your heart conditioned without your knowledge. To develop pardoning result you to increase your tolarability your heart become real flesh. Main challenge of human life is how not to become conditioned about others. For that avoid Gossiping &practice 7 Ethics specially Pardoning!.

Who is correct?
In order to find out who is correct, it is essential to find what is your life? How it Is connected with other people? Are you an animal?. What is good or bad in your life? What is the purpose of living?. Etc.

You know that you cannot decide your parents to come to this World. You know that God has selected your parents!. For every human the story is same. That is why all humans belongs to one family, God as the father. Once you are clear about who is your father, then you should be clear about the difference between human and animal?.
Human and animals both carrying out actions! But human carry out his action for a purpose, while animal cannot carry out action for a specific purpose. Only difference is that human can behave like an animal, when his action carried out with bad motives. Ideally his action has to be with the love of others. Jesus showed and set examples, ideally how to love others.
When you live, how to lead your life? You should know what are the basic principle to follow: basic moral laws has been given in 7 ethics of catholism. I.e follow 10 commandments, avoid 7 vices, practice 7 each corporal and Spiritual mercy's, administer 7 sacraments, pardoning, love and finally follow church rules. When you follow these 7 ethics, you are trying to follow revealed truths of God, into your life. Out of these 7 ethics, one of the important and difficult to practice is pardoning!.
Outside these 7 ethic, we might come across, many matters falling during our life?. Is my opinion correct?. Always my actions are based on my revealed truths in my life. Why he is acting like that? Is he mad? So many questions will be faced by us when we associate with other people!. In order to identify who is correct? Do you know all factors pertaining other person? No; you don't really know why he is doing like that?.
So you have to really rely upon God, to understand the other peoples acton or to tolerate other peoples actions!.

Let us summarized Today's readings:

Book of leviticus says(Lv 19:1-2.17-18)" you must love your neighbor as yourself"

Paul says to corianthians( 1 cor 3:16-23) says" All are your servants,but you belong to Christ,and the Christ belong to GOd"

Matthew 5:38-48) says "love your enemies"
Main consideration we can arrive at; today Gospel continues the challenge from last week,to go deeper into the heart, the seat of hidden thoughts and desires. The call to conversion is call to give,just as we have received. We are loved and so should love. We are forgiven and so should forgive,we are consoled and so should console and so forth. Why is that? Because the love etc,that we have received becomes truly"me" only when I pass it on. Only then have I experienced the message of Prophet. I will remove from your body the heart of stoned and give you a heart of flesh(Ezk 36:26)

It will be difficult to think how to love our enemies!. But Gospel suggest you to practice more: like turning the other cheek: giving without expecting repayment: refusing to pass judgment on people: praying those who ill treat you: it will be hard to find another passage in the Gospel that's so much at odds with our normal way of behaving.

 Jesus was very strong to show HIS loving approach to people. Love one another HE urged 'as I have loved you'(jn 15:12). HE had a particular love for people on the margins: the sick, the sinners,the samiritans, "outsiders" of all kinds. As a character HE was no weakling. HE stood up very forcefully to people like pharisee' who was impose on little people burdens too heavy to bear. HE urged the woman in adultery 'not to sin again'  but refuse to condemn her(Jn 8:11). HE managed to turn the other cheek even when nailed to a cross" Father forgive them........" Lk (23:34). HE is not just a author ,HE is the product of HIS own Gospel. HE lived by rules that HE urges on us. HE is the outstanding example of Christian attitude. Today HE is inviting you, to come on a long jouney with HIM. All of us has come a certain distance: HE is trying to move us on a little more. HE is reminding us that a group of values by which we tend to live should be dug up, that is a dfferent set of values, such as openness, and forgiveness and even love of enemies, should be planted in their place., and that the best way for each of us to live is the way that HE lived Himself. He is saying . You are following me so far,and I apprecaite that just come the extra mile!.

 In conclusons:
Todays church Reminds us around 7 major points:
(1)most difficult things to carry out in ur life is
(2)when you don't train urself to achieve this difficult tasks,you are developing silence anger in your body.
(3)Persistent anger with you,bar your good health as well as bar God's will to be enforced thru' you.
(4) You are not avail of all information,why other person acting like that,hence you cannot brand any person good or bad
(5)when your actions are not for the love of God,but for earth bound cravings,it is easy to make enemies & you will be frustrated one day, since without your knowledge your actions are oriented towards earth bound cravings
(6)1st identify Ethics&practice it for the love of God( since you have many reasons to love HIM)
(7)to develop love with neighbor,avoid judging&practice pardoning.

When you practice above 7 points, you are driving auto geared car, you navgate only, the car will automatically put gears, depending upon the speed.

God has reintroduced our Freedom. Every human wants to lead their life happily. To achieve that we need physical+mental health with appropriate management of wealth,power & desires. Today, church highlights how to achieve good physical+mental health. Loving one’s neighbour, including any enemies leads to a peaceful life, without our blood getting hot. When our blood gets hot, it leads to anger,resulting in many physical disorders. This will act as a barrier when trying to understand God's will for us

During these 7 sundays,church clearly explain, how to be Christ follower. How your trust of God converted to faith/thru' Repentance,how you are going to be grace with God/how you balance your life like salt and light/how you are going to receive the god gift of wisdom/how you are going to understand the morality of life/how to mange matters outside this morality/ value of pardoning/ all these factors you should be avail of to convert your 7 ethical actions to be carried out out of love!. Today it highlighted how to increase tolerablity in your life!


For more pl visit:
http://weeklycatholicreflection.blogspot.com Or

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Cycle 1: Season: ordinary 1: Sunday no-6 Date:12/2/2017 Ethical catholic

High light:
(1)Who has selected your parents,for you to come to this world?. Why do you live? Catholic answer is God & to lead a happy life!. What are the other beliefs to these 2 questions,from other religions?
(2) What you mean by Ethics?. How you lead your life with Ethics?. Can you list out the Ethics you follow in your life?
(3)Concept does not vary but reality flows. Catholic CONCEPT is you have been created by God to lead a Happy life. Ur life flows with happy to unhappy movements (vice versa)(REALITY). In order to be happy both worldly & eternal,what are the ETHICS you should follow?
(4)What are 7 ETHICS of Catholicism?
(5) Ur view may be different to others,who is correct?. What are the Catholic treatment proposed,for matters going outside 7 ETHICS?

Pl spare 10 minutes listen to this:

Reflection for 12th Feb 2017, celebrating 6th Sunday mass of ordinary season,of cycle 1. Church invite us to analyze about Christian morality- what it is and what it is not. Jesus says in the Gospel" unless your holiness Surpasses that of the scribes and pharisees you shall not enter the kingdom of God. Today readings make us ask ourself: how much love is their in our observance of the commandments. Does Jesus having lived, suffered, and died out of love for us to make any difference in the way that we live?

In order to analyze how you lead your life as catholic, first we should know, how I am living in this world?. Can I live like an animal without clothes?. Is it acceptable to you and to society?. In order to find answer to these questions, first, we have to analyze the main difference between human and animal?
Humans will carry out action for a purpose, while animals action for purpose is not very clear. Human has to decide whether the purpose of action is good or bad. Human will act as animal, when he does things with bad motives. Hence to be more human you have to identify the ethics of your life.

Ethics Is a system of moral principles,which affects how people make decisions &lead their life. It concerned with what is good for individuals & society. It covers
(1)how to live a good life
(2)your rights & responsibilities
(3)language of right& wrong
(4)moral decisions what is good & bad.

Concepts of Ethics are derived from religions/cultures &infuse debates on topics like abortion,euthanasia,human rights & professional conduct.

There are 3 types of approaches to ethics
(1)META-deals with nature of moral judgments
(2)NORMATIVE- concern with the content of moral judgments & the criteria of what is right &wrong
(3)APPLIED-look at the controversial topics like war,animal rights &death penalty. These theories are useful in practice&decide how human beings behave. Out of Holy Trinity,father & son has given us basic ethical behavior, while Holy Spirit is enhancing that,in managing with paradigm changes due to technological advancements.

You can summarize 7 points as Catholic Ethics: they are
1)10 Commandments -
Thou shall have no other gods before Me/Thou shan't make idols/Thou shan't take the name of thy LORD God in vain/Remember Sabbath day,to keep it holy/Honour thy father&mother/Thou shan't murder/Thou shan't commit adultery/Thou shan't steal/Thou shan't bear false witness against thy neighbour/Thou shan't covet thy neighbours goods.
Baptism/Communion/Confirmation/Confession/Last rights/Matrimony/Holy Orders
Feeding hungry/Giving drink to thirsty/Clothing naked/Welcoming strangers/Visiting sick&imprisoned/Burying death&

Counseling doubtful/Instructing ignorant/Admonishing sinner/Comforting sorrowful/Bearing wrong patiently/Pray for living&dead
(5)Practice PARDONING
(7)Follow Church Rules(Ex: artificial/birth control/,Abortion,Euthanasia)
When you follow these 7 Ethics, concept of God creation, you will achieve, that is you are leading your life happily, following God's Will.

How to follow God's Will, which falls outside this 7 ethics:
There are many matters in your life, which might fall outside this 7 ethics. Under such circumstances, what to do?

You cannot live alone. You are living in a interdependent society. Each human's character changes physically and mentally with time. These changes for each human character is not uniform. Your Ethics are such that you have to live independently, lead a happy life, while you associate ever changing society. This is a challenge. Specially in married life, both individuals are changing both physically and mentally, with time. These changes are not uniform. Hence how to lead a happy life, associating with ever changing individuals?. One of the main catholic ethic is pardoning: It is easy to pardon, when you don't judge others. Gossiping leads unnecessary judging others. When you train your self not to judge others, avoid gossiping and utilize your time, engage in a useful activity such as gardening,fishing,cooking, helping others, it will be easy to maintain your ethics.
When you develop ethics, it will be easy to love your society. Then every action of your's are based on Love. That is why Jesus main message is to love thy neighbor. This will allow you to carry out your actions happily and you lead a happy life.

Foreign support:
Third world countries always rely on the foreign aids from develop countries. Until you became adult, you always depend upon your parents. Similarly, as a individual adult human, can you live alone? You don't know what is happening inside your body! You don't know 100% outcome your action!. Under such scenario, you need spiritual support: you need the support of saints and holy mary. Why Jesus the God's son has born like a baby?. Why He should not have parachuted like an adult?. Just to show us we need 3rd party support like saints. Hence it is very easy to be happy with the support of saints and Holy Mary, they will intercede with God, to lead a happy life.
Take cana incident! Why Holy mary only observed wine is depleted, when Jesus is there? Here the wine resembles happiness
Why Jesus asked them to fill water? HE should have made wine out of nothing?. Here water represent 7 ethics of catholism!.
Follow 7 ethics in your life; hand over your worries to mary and saints; carry out actions happily: then God will guaranty your happiness.

Tday's readings:
Book of Ecclesiasticus ( Si15:15-20) says"He never commanded any one t be Godless"
Paul to corianthans says(1 cor 2:6-10) "God's predestined wisdom to be for our glory,before the ages began"

Matthew 5:17-37 says" Jesus clarifies our ideas about true morality, which is obedience to God's law out of motive of love"

Reflection: it is clear already in the old testament, that it is not our misdeeds, which accuse us before God, but our hearts fractured and divided as they are. Consistent with Israelis teaching, Jesus insisted that we go deeper than our external deeds. The important question is what is going in our hearts, the source of inner thoughts and motivations? The teachings are presented in using various examples, presented sometimes in great simplicity,other times with irony and wit.
n conclusion: what is morality for you? If it is just a rigid, slavish, fear inspired, loveless. Mechanical obeying of rules and laws, it is plain ethics. One does not have to be christian to be merely ethical. With Ethics alone, you will hardly satisfy God desire for your holiness. Jesus want morality- Christian Moralty- like one human family- since all humans belongs to one father God. Christian morality is a free, personal, loving responsiveness to HIM who is divine love and goodness in person.
What is characteristics about genuine Christian is their wholeheatedness n their responsiveness to what Jesus is to them and what HE has done for them. Saints become saints not because that they are more ethical than ordinary people but because that they are more in love. Christians morality tells us that we are to live and act from a motive deepest love for our God.
Morality after the mind of Christ also involves relationship with our neighbor." If you bring your gift to the altar and there recall your brother has anything against you, leave your gift there at the altar, go first and be reconciled with your brother and then come and offer your gift. Strong words: reconciliation with one's neighbor even takes precedence over worship of God. WE CANNOT BE RIGHTLY RELATED TO GOD UNLESS WE ARE RIGHTLY RELATED TO OUR NEGHBOR"

Let us summerise what church want us to reflect today in 7 points:

1)Morality is understanding difference between right&wrong& living according to that understanding
(2)ethics is the philosophy of how that morality guides Ur&societies behaviour.These2 are closely related,with morality being the foundation
(3)all human belongs to one family,hence Ur interdependent to society
(4)hence basic morality of catholism is love another
(5)how much Love is there in Ur observance of Ethics?
(6)Reconciliation with your neighbor is precedent over worship of God(if U bring gift to altar&recall,your brother against you,leave gift&1st reconciled with him)
(7)to be rightly related to God,1st rightly related to your neighbor!

Thank you
God bless you!

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