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Global catholic sunday(31/1/16) brief version

We are living in a global villege. Information from one corner of the globe to another corner will pass thru' within matter of second. Hence today, we are living in one global villege of catholics. Today Jesus address us "physicians heal thyself"!

We analysed last 4 sundays(1)you become a professional catholic, with Confirmation(2) 1st lesson of catholism;at Cana: Jesus showed us the role of Mary and saints in Christianity{(A)when you request thru' mary+saints, you receive much more than you asked provided that you follow 7 ethics of christianity/10 comms,7 sacraments,avoid 7 vices,practice 7 cororal+7 spiritual mercies,pardoning, last love.(B)role of mary+saints- they are not God, they only intercede on behalf of us, they did not know, the process, Jesus were doing to produce wine-from water to wine!(3)Jesus message is to fulfil, fathers message of 10 commandments with love(preamble for love there are 6 ethics!
Today, we are reminded about the major action of christians love; and it's implications:

Catholics says all their actions are based on Love, are they practising, the method that Jesus has suggested

Today's reading

 1 JER 1:4-5,17-19 says".. word.. LORD..Before I formed you..womb..knew you..But..gird..loins..tell them

Paul says (1 COR 12:3113:13)"..
Strive..greatest spiritual gift..show.. excellent..speak..do not..love..all faith..move mountain..do not..love.. nothing.
..Love..patient..kind..not jealous,..not pompous,..not rude..rejoices with..truth.. child, I used to talk as a child,
think as a child..put aside childish things.."

Gospel LK 4:21-30 says"..Jesus
“Today..Scripture..fulfilled..spoke..amazed.. mouth..asked..son..Joseph..‘Physician, cure yourself..“Amen..no prophet..accepted..own native.. Elijah..sent..synagogue..with fury.. rose..drove..town..brow..hill..built..hurl.. headlong..went away.


we say love for everything, but understand there are 3 types of love(A)eros-sexual love/single human: phili-give and take love(human to human): agapy love-human to God-you do it for the love of God, expecting nothing!. Agape love is the recommendation of jesus christ, for us to follow!.

Are we use the word"Love" as an excusetic?

One of the looses word in the english language is the word love. I love my wife, I love God... The word Love just about describes every thing from heaven to Hollywood. It is used of God giving Himself to us in His son; our Lord giving  Himself, for us on the cross; of mother theresa giving herself, as she did, to the casualties in Calcutta; of a man and woman engage in sexual activity(even if there is no real love involved at all). It is a word that bandied about in pop Songs and video nastiest,and even in Phono graphic literature.

Word 'Love' in Greek language

The Greek language love is much more precise, and give 3 words;

Eros: which means sexual love. We have it in the word erotic:
We say that book or that video is erotic. It arouses sexual desire or it deals with sexual love.

Philia- means friendship- love that is mostly used in the new testament.

But what St paul uses today Love is Agape. This agape is the highest expression of Love that is known to human kind(unselfish or caring love). St John uses it when he tells us that God is love,and love comes from God(1Jn4:7-8).

Eros is all take,and Philia is give and take,agape is all give.

There is lot of agape: love of a husband for. Wife, of a parent for a child or a child to a parent, love of a healthy for the sick, the christian love of a girl and a boy, when t is unselfish and controlled. It is not an easy Love. It is challenging Love. It does not come in a rush it comes in instalments: in small measures from repeated effort day after day. It comes from attitude, it comes from God. It comes from practice. Practice it and you grow in it. Keep it up

Remember that 3 kinds of love, all very good, in it is own context. Eros,philia and agape-and the greatest of these is agape!.

We all are church going catholics but are we happy; if you are not happy, verify why?.
Remember that

(1)You are in Catholic Global Villege &tend to ignore Jesus teaching for your own convenience
(2)It is not God who suffers but you
(3)Love(eros/phili/agapy)is a loose word-you interpret& practice as you want
(4)follow preceding 6 ethics to practice real love requested by Christ(10 comms/7 sacrament/avoid7vices/7 Corporal+Spiritual Mercies/pardoning
(5)don't replace invisible God to any visible person-Worship only Eucharist
(6)check where you have to be corrected,without judging others
(7)verify your life(not others)is happy&progressing with God.

Best go thru 'DOOR OF MERCY'U?

Pope Francis has exercise His right to extend 'DOOR OF MERCY' to every diocese, in GLOBAL VILLEGE OF CATHOLIC. It is reminding the corrective measures that U should take in your' life,with repentance for your sins, have confession,receive Holy eucharist, then Go thru' door of Mercy. Even for abortion, with confession, you can get it pardoned during this year of mercy!.


For more details follow this links :
http://www.sundayreading.net/  ‬

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