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Sunday(28/6/2015) Compared (envied) Catholic

This sunday you are invited to reflect
(1) The relevance to your life between NEED and WANT.
(2) Why you have to avoid" ENVY" or jealousy in your life?
(3) Human are same in creation, but, they have different functions. Comparing your outcome or function to others out come or function, undermines what God wants from you.

Book of wisdom(Ws 1:13-15,2:23-24) says" ..death..not Gods doing..man imperishable..made..image..his own nature..devil's envy ..brought death.."


Paul says(2 cor 8:7.9. 13-15)"..Lord Jesus..rich..became poor for your sake..make you rich out of His poverty..balancing..man gathered much had none too much,the man who gathered little did not go short."

Mark(5:21-43) says"..Jairus..My little daughter is desperately sick..save..life. went with Him..woman..hemorrhage.. touched His cloth..cured..Jesus"Who touch..Your faith has restored..".. daughter is dead..Jesus" do not be afraid" He went..'Why..crying.. asleep"..they laughed..little girl..get up.."..began to walk.."


(1) God has created you for some purpose, identify that purpose and don't compare your outcome to other's outcome- which is the root cause of Jealousy. Jealousy undermines the functions that you have to carry out, according to God's will for you. It reduces the faith and increase fear and sorrow in your life.
(2) Why all gospel writers(except John) write, this 2 incidents together?. Just to indicate each human is having worries, personal to them and it is not the same worry that you have compared to me. The women was having haemorrhages, while Jairus worry is his little girl. Worries are different, to each other. The treatment for worries, (God in His own wisdom has shown us)are always thru' Holy Mary and saints, since these people have successfully overcome worries, by a strong faith, developed by themselves.

(3)There are 6 basic elements needed for us to live. Ie earth,water,air, sunlight,food and fire. Except food, all others are given free. God, in His own wisdom, have given different individual capabilities, to each person. One thing God guaranteed was if you are with HIM, HE will allow your time to be spend happily. This means, even if you are rich or poor in worldly standards, you will be Happy.
For that catholism tells how to train your life peacefull, then worriless, then Happy.


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