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Cycle 2:season:ordinary(2): Sunday No:13: Date:28/6/2015. Compaired(ENVIED)Catholic

Back ground:
Ordinary times 2, started reflecting about value of seed to be developed as a big tree. In this regard, we were reminded, how church has organized all the sunday readings to be read in 3 yearly cycles(from Vatican II). Each liturgical year consists of 5 seasons.
(1) Advent- How God planned to send HIS SON-Jesus/ how you anticipate the coming of Jesus into your life.
(2) Christmas- How GOD, became human+divine through Holy Mary + Joseph
(3) Lent- How Jesus showed, the treatments that we should adopt for our fear/sorrow/disagreement, in enjoying happiness with full Freedom given to human after Jesus or presence of Holy Spirit.
(4) Easter- Characteristics of following new message with full freedom of human, in following God's Will.
(5) Ordinary times- divide into 2 parts
From Baptism- you become a christian, then up to lent/ then 2 part start after easter but there are overlapping 4 feasts with ordinary times(ascension of Lord, Pentacost, Holy Trinity, Corpus christi) these feasts will tell us the essential characteristics of Christianity as against Judaism).

Ordinary 2, starts with, characteristics of developing faith. Any subject when you want to develop, you have to, not only learn but start focusing on the subject. More you learn and more you focused you will see the truth in that subject in amplified form Catholicism, in that regard, gives well organized syllabus(through sunday readings) and well organized rituals, so that you can enjoy the result anticipated by developing Jesus message.
2nd sunday of ordinary 2, we reflected, the consequence of Pride, giving rise to fear and sorrow in your life. It gave a clear message, through it's 1st and 2 nd readings, after Holy Spirit, PRIDE has to be controlled by yourself otherwise, without your knowledge, you undermine, God's OMNI POTENT!. Pride has 7 evils.

(2)Love of publicity

(3)Hypocrisy( a way of behaving in which you pretend that you have better moral principles than you actually do)

(4)Hardheadedness( practical and able to make difficult decisions without letting your emotions affect your judgment)

(5)Discord(formal disagreement or quarreling between people)



Today we are reminded another vice we should avoid: Envy or jealousy

B. Preamble for today's reading

B.1 Challenge of developing faith!
B.1.1 Last sunday summary:
Sunday(21/6)Pride Catholic
JOB says"..U'r proud waves shall break"
Paul says"..Christ..died..now..who is in Christ..new creation.."Mk(4:35-41) says"..Jesus"..cross..other".. boat..blow gale..almost swamped. But He..asleep.. woke Him..rebuked..wind..Be Calm..so frightened?How..U have no faith.." Reminds:U'r 2 machines in brain(A) logical-data+truth(B)Emotional-U'r feelings& emotions-normally attracts Pride(too great admiration of oneself). Pride has 7evils:Boasting/Love of publicity/Hypocrisy(way of behaving in which U pretend that U hv better moral principles)/Hardheadedness/Discord/Quarrel/Disobedience.When pride balloons in U,Uget fear for slightest disturbance in life.JOB suffering lead him to remove his pride.Jesus clearly showed that HE do impossible things provided U follow HIS WILL.Pride is next to avoid after sloth&anger(7vices)"PRIDE REDUCE FAITH IN GOD &INCREASE FEAR/SORROW IN U'R LIFE"U'r Pride?

B.1.1- practical exercise to increase your faith from catholicism.

U'r brain consist of 2machines(1)logical-human(2)emotional-chimp(anchy).CHIMP is 5times power full than other,operates as 'Jungle center'&is separate entity to U-will provide beliefs& behaviors to work in a jungle but not so well in society! &U'r responsible to manage it! Most of time these2 machines contradicts, indicating a cross for any action.U'r cross can be managed by(1)identify incidents how God saved U(2)thank HIM(3)God can make impossible to possible, for that everyday,look at cross(a)get pardoned,from God,U'r sins against 5 senses(5wounds with Jesus risen body)(B)hand over U'r+immediate family+society-worries(3nails-Jesus body was hanging) to Mary/saints-death body on lap of Mary(c)pardon U'r enemies(linen at tomB)(4)change u'r life(stone roll out at tomb).Then U'r 3 new nails will become FAITH/HOPE/CHARITY. Next avoid 7vices(anger,sloth,Pride,lust,envy, avarice,Gluttony) to be happy.U?

B.2 Can God suspends laws of nature or laws of Governments?

Jesus rose from death,biologically,assume that decaying corpse-which is already cold &without blood in it's brain-could be made alive again?Surely it is not something that elite scientist can embrace. Yet reality of the resurrection, which transforms skeptics like paul& James in 1st century, continues radically redirect lives today-even tough minded scientist!.Jesus resurrection clearly shows that God can suspend laws of nature,if He needed to achieve more important purpose!.After Jesus resurrection,God has not revealed path for his kingdom (HAPPINESS) thru'Prophets, dreams, angles,stars etc. Mostly thru'Mary (another human or saints)U get his direction subject that U avoid7vices(Anger,sloth, Pride,lust,envy,avarice& gluttony) +following10Comm:Then U realise how to balance worldly attachments,as against spirituality(going against gravity), to love U'rself+society!,leading a happy mind.U?

B.3 Why paul says"man gathered much had none too much,the man who gathered little did not go short"- Attachment and beliefs

When we are young, we were programmed to unhappiness. They taught us that in order to be happy you, need money,success, a beautiful or handsome partner in life, a good job, friendship, spirituality, God- you name it. Unless you get these things, you are not going to be happy- this is what is call ATTACHMENT- is a belief that without something you are not gong to be happy. Once you get convinced of that-and it gets into your Chimp(subconscious), it get stamps into the roots of our being. " How could I be happy,unless I have a good health.but haven't you met people who are dying with cancer who were happy. But how could they be happy if they knew they were going to die. Some says" how can I be happy, if I don't have money?" One person is havng million rupees in bank, and he feels insecure; the other person has practically no money, but he does not feel insecurity at all.He was programmed differently. That's all. You need to understand that you have been programmed.
Listen to our pathetic story; unless, I get this object(money,friendship any thing) I am not going to be happy. I have got to strive to get it. When I get it, I have to strive to keep it. It is a temporary thrill. But how does all these things last?. Until your next attachment is threaten.

We have to clear, what is our basic need,and
What are our wants. Then it is very difficult for you to be unhappy.

B.4: Envy;


You are not having fear, that something you don't know!. NOBODY IS AFRAID OF THE UNKNOWN. WHAT YOU REALLY FEAR IS THE LOSS OF KNOWN.

Under the global Villege concept, any information from corner of the earth, will be known globally in a matter of seconds. So jealousy can be developed by human easily. Unless you know that God is having a different hope specially to you, and He guaranteed your happiness, you can be easily envious about your immediate friends.

Todays reading:
Book of wisdom(Ws 1:13-15,2:23-24) says"..death..not Gods doing..man imperishable..made..image..his own nature..devil's envy ..brought death.."

Paul says(2 cor 8:7.9. 13-15)"..Lord Jesus..rich..became poor for your sake..make you rich out of His poverty..balancing..man gathered much had none too much,the man who gathered little did not go short."

Mark(5:21-43) says"..Jairus..My little daughter is desperately sick..save..life.went with Him..woman..hemorrhage..touched His cloth..cured..Jesus"Who touch.. Your faith has restored.."..daughter is dead..Jesus" do not be afraid"He went..'Why..crying.. asleep"..they laughed..little girl..get up.."..began to walk.."

3 Gospel writers, except John,  wrote these 2 incident together. Just to indicate, Peoples worries are different and following Jesus message, all worries, can be settled with God. God in His own wisdom, shown us to hand over all our worries to Holy Mary and saints as they are humans who has successfully overcome worries, by following God's will. They will intercede on behalf of us to clear our worries.

Conclusions: To know who is our God(Trinity) and what HE expect from us has to be studied to receive the anticipated Happiness that God has guaranteed to you
Last sunday we identified deadly vice, that can be developed in our life PRIDE- you tend to forget, that every outcome that you gain, is  result of God's Will.
Today you are reminded with another Vice, Envy. Why my friend is rich, while I am poor. This kind of comparison is normally comes into our mind. We should be clear, about God's creation. He created us to be happy. To be happy means not rich. I can enjoy my time happily. When you try to compare is the question. We tend to think, every, human is equal with respect to 'WANTS'. But every human has been created with basic needs, without which you cannot live. There are 6 basic needs for human to live. I.e earth,water,air,sunlight,FOOD and fire. Only food you have to search for, all other basic needs are given free.

Why Mary, is our mother, who intercede with God, with regard to our worries?
Last week, on 25/6 we celebrated the birth of John the Baptist. When we reflect about his birth, we can analyze the following:

John The Baptist(24/6)
3major times in Catholism.(1)upto John baptist(2)Jesus life(3)after Pentecost-U'r present life/start of church.we notice in(1)Having openly rebuked Herod for his unlawful marriage with Herodias,his brothers wife,he was arrested.John doubted&even sent someone to ask Jesus in public"Are U sure U'are who say U'are?  JOHN WAS DOUBTING SAME MAN HE HAS BAPTISED!(2)Peter denied Christ 3 times(3)Mary is only human,who went thru,all 3 time lines,NEVER,lost her FAITH,what ever worries she encountered,not like apostles in turbulent boat!.until John,God directed Jews,then showed how to enjoy U'r life, thru' His teaching of Love,then Holy Spirit was given to Guide U/church
Along with John,Church celebrate 3 birthdays. Jesus(25/12)&Mary(8/8).now U'r in time line3,there are no dreams, stars,angles to direct U,how to resolve U'r worries!.Ask Holy Mary(Queen of Heaven)handle worries similar to us.U?
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Sunday(28/6/2015) Compared (envied) Catholic

This sunday you are invited to reflect
(1) The relevance to your life between NEED and WANT.
(2) Why you have to avoid" ENVY" or jealousy in your life?
(3) Human are same in creation, but, they have different functions. Comparing your outcome or function to others out come or function, undermines what God wants from you.

Book of wisdom(Ws 1:13-15,2:23-24) says" ..death..not Gods doing..man imperishable..made..image..his own nature..devil's envy ..brought death.."


Paul says(2 cor 8:7.9. 13-15)"..Lord Jesus..rich..became poor for your sake..make you rich out of His poverty..balancing..man gathered much had none too much,the man who gathered little did not go short."

Mark(5:21-43) says"..Jairus..My little daughter is desperately sick..save..life. went with Him..woman..hemorrhage.. touched His cloth..cured..Jesus"Who touch..Your faith has restored..".. daughter is dead..Jesus" do not be afraid" He went..'Why..crying.. asleep"..they laughed..little girl..get up.."..began to walk.."


(1) God has created you for some purpose, identify that purpose and don't compare your outcome to other's outcome- which is the root cause of Jealousy. Jealousy undermines the functions that you have to carry out, according to God's will for you. It reduces the faith and increase fear and sorrow in your life.
(2) Why all gospel writers(except John) write, this 2 incidents together?. Just to indicate each human is having worries, personal to them and it is not the same worry that you have compared to me. The women was having haemorrhages, while Jairus worry is his little girl. Worries are different, to each other. The treatment for worries, (God in His own wisdom has shown us)are always thru' Holy Mary and saints, since these people have successfully overcome worries, by a strong faith, developed by themselves.

(3)There are 6 basic elements needed for us to live. Ie earth,water,air, sunlight,food and fire. Except food, all others are given free. God, in His own wisdom, have given different individual capabilities, to each person. One thing God guaranteed was if you are with HIM, HE will allow your time to be spend happily. This means, even if you are rich or poor in worldly standards, you will be Happy.
For that catholism tells how to train your life peacefull, then worriless, then Happy.

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Cycle 2:season:ordinary(2): Sunday No:12: Date:21/6/2015.Pride Catholic:(details version)

A. Back ground:

Wind will mainly carry air. Air is one of the primary element needed for human to live.
We cannot live few minutes, without air. Though air is good, it can become turbulent.
Here we were told that we are frighten for our worries and not for our sins. For human worry become Primary and Sin become secondary. But for God, sin become primary and worry become secondary. God has guaranteed our life is to be happy. What ever the worries we face. Major characteristics of worry is;
(1) It s subjective for your own thinking(conditioning)
(2) pride will cause major worry to be appear in your life(Job Story-1st reading)

 Gold will be purified with fire. Unless you are tested with fire, you cannot achieve Happiness. In old testament JOB,has been tested with fire,and he was successful. This sunday, we were invited to reflect how to treat worries, and through worries, how you can increase your Faith!.
Just like JOB,Jesus on the cross felt terribly abandoned by God. He said in agony at the cross,"MY GOD,MY GOD, WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME?"(MT 27:47), HE GOT NO ANSWER FOR THAT REALLY, UNLESS THE ANSWER HE SUPPLED HIMSELF. "FATHER, INTO YOUR HANDS I COMMIT MY SPIRIT"(LK23:46). Final act of trust in darkness.
How can we resolve our agonies, with Jesus teaching? Does Jesus show us, our agonies are inevitable?. Treatment to our agonies, is it from God or through the intercession of mary and saints with God?. Sins cannot be pardoned by Mary or saints, but only by GOD!

B.  Preamble today's reading:


Pride is to be avoided next to laziness and anger.(Which are main vices)
Pride is too great an admiration of oneself. Pride has 7 evil consequences:

(2)Love of publicity

(3)Hypocrisy( a way of behaving in which you pretend that you have better moral principles than you actually do)

(4)Hardheadedness( practical and able to make difficult decisions without letting your emotions affect your judgment)

(5)Discord(formal disagreement or quarreling between people)



When all these 7 inclinations grow in our dealings with God and neighbor, leads to Egoism.


Link with God, requires Humility. Any form of Pride in life must be overcome first of all through personal efforts. The Lord himself will purify us through spiritual trials or through physical trials, to over come our Pride.

PRIDE IS THE ENEMY OF ANY PROGRESS to establish link with God, next to Anger and sloth(laziness). Our will has to be in TOTAL SURRENDER TO GOD, there ought to be many surrender on our part of all our actions, thoughts and also ongoing surrender in our relation with God.

In our pride when we do not listen to the spirit who invites us to discern(understand something only after looking at it) the purpose of our life to surrender your will to God's will be neglected- the primary task of overcoming evil.

St paul's words to Galatians are apt here: "let the spirit direct your lives, and you will not satisfy the desires of the human nature. For what our human nature wants is opposed to what the spirit wants. These two are enemies, and this means that you cannot do what you want to do. If the spirit leads you, then you are not subject to law"(Gal 5:16-18)


Today 1 st reading Job says, YOUR PRIDE WAVES WILL BREAK.

Jesus introduced the full freedom to humans. Earlier God was training humans, to accommodate the arrival of Jesus. Now your freedom supersede, what God wanted to do through you, unless, otherwise, with your full acceptance to follow HIS WILL. When you voluntarily surrender your will to HIS WILL, HE WILL GURANTEE YOUR HAPPINESS. But how to surrender our will is the question?. Even you follow HIS COMMANDMENTS, you cannot surrender your Will, it will lead, to 7 vices.


 All are interrelated. When you have worried mind, it will be difficult for you to love. Sin will increase your fear and sorrow. Hence first you have to control sin. What is sin?
Going against 10 commandments, pardoning others, not following the God's will, leading your life with 7 vices. When you sin, you are liable for more worries. These worries you have to hand over to Mary+saints. Why, Jesus in His own wisdom request us to go to Mary, for her to intercede on behalf of us, since she is the only one, who has undergone agonies of life(at that time), from the human point of view,(later saints came). She will carry the God's decision and go along with us, leading us to have worry less mind. With worry less mind, when you avoid 7 vices, lead you to achieve happy mind. Then only you can love.

B.4 death is no longer an agony for Happy(faithful) persons:
Case of St maximillian Kolbe:
e was born in 1894 in poland and was given the baptismal name of Raymond. Both his parents were devout catholics and they had special devotion to the blessed Virgin mary.
As a child, he had a mystical experience that change him for ever. Being a normal boy, he was into mischief, which led to scolding by his mother. This discipline had a profound effect on the young boy. When he prayed to the blessed Mother, she appeared to him in a dream holding two crowns, one white and the other red. Mary explained that the white is for purity and the red for martyrdom, and she asked him whether he was willing to accept them. Indeed he did accept the crowns!.
Kolbe entered the junior seminary of the Franciscan order in 1907. He studied sciences and was quite smart. In 1910, he became a novice and received the habit of st francis. He changed his name to Maximilian. In 1918(in Rome) he was ordained as a priest.(During world war 1).
Among the enemies of the church at the time was freemasons. Along with 6 companions, in 1916, he founded the crusade of Mary Immaculate with the aim of converting sinners, specially freemasons. Unfortunately he contracted tuberculosis.
He returned to poland in 1919 and taught history at seminary of Krakow. Due to his tuberculosis, he had to go on medical leave for eight years. Yet, he did not waste any time. Soon he founded a publication titled KNIGHT OF IMMACULATE, to fight religious indifference.
In 1927, Maximillian founded his own monastery, which housed a junior seminary and printing press for his magazine. Soon he started to published a daily news paper. In 1930, he alone with 4 friars, went to Nagasaki, Japan, to establish a new monetary. Miraculously, this monetary, survived the war and nuclear bomb and exists to this date!.
Because of his poor health, he returned to poland, only to open a catholic radio station. By 1939, the monestary he found totalled 800 men. The year 1939 also saw persecution of his community by Nazis, who wanted to control the press and radio. The monetary became a refuge for 3000 Poles, who were displaced; among them was a significant Jewish population. Then the Nazis shut down the press, suppressed the congregation, and dispersed the brothers. Maximilian was imprisoned in AUSCHWITZ.
At Auschwitz, some of the prisoners were going to be put to death to teach a lesson for other prisoners. A family man with young children was chosen to die. Maximilian volunteered to take his place. He was always at peace with God and himself.: the nurse who was going to administer the lethal poison remarked that he gave her his rosary beads, forgave her, and asked what a nice person like she was doing in a place like this. She was a fallen away catholic. After his death, she had a conversion, all based her witnessing a saint dying and entering into heaven before her eyes.
Pope paul VI, beatified him in 1971. Pope JP2 cannobised him a saint in 1982. He is the patron saint of drug addicts,imprisoned people,journalists, political prisoners, and the pro-life movement.

C. Today's reading:
Job(3:1,8-11) says"..your proud waves shall break"

Paul says(2 cor 5:14-17)".. Christ..one man..died..then all men should be dead..now..not judge anyone..standard of flesh..who is in Christ..new creation.."

Mk(4:35-41) says"..Jesus said"..cross..other side"..boat..blow gale..almost swamped. But He..asleep..woke Him..rebuked..wind..Be Calm..so frightened? How..U have no faith.."

D. Conclusions:

 The passenger list in Christ boat is counted in millions and there still room. Each of the passenger is troubled with worries-deep,personal,frightening,many apparently without solution. We often cry out" teacher,doesn't it matter to you that we are going to drown?". Jesus in the boat say" Why are you so terrified? Why are you lacking in faith".
JOB has gone through terrible suffering, both physical and mental. He may be weakening his trust in the lord. So here God reassures him of God's creative power,His control over the elements- especially the sea,the ancient symbol of destructive power. The Lord convinced Job of his faith fullness, and JOB comes through the test of faith successfully.

JOB's pride has been erased through the sufferings. So pride become, next thing to avoid in 7 vices after sloth and anger. Without our knowledge, pride balloons in us. Politician,professionals & clergy are general categories of people, where many dealings with human are maintained in day to day activities, where without their knowledge pride will peep through, undermining God has given them to deal with humans!.


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Sunday(21/6) Pride Catholic(brief Version)


Job(3:1,8-11) says"..your proud waves shall break"

Paul says(2 cor 5:14-17)".. Christ..one man..died..then all men should be dead..now..not judge anyone..standard of flesh..who is in Christ..new creation.."

Mk(4:35-41) says"..Jesus said"..cross..other side"..boat..blow gale..almost swamped. But He..asleep..woke Him..rebuked..wind..Be Calm..so frightened? How..U have no faith.."

Reminds: there are 2 machines in your brain (A) logical machine- operate with data+ truth for you
(B) Emotional machine-operate to feelings and emotions.
This emotional machine, normally attracts the Pride. It is too great an admiration of oneself. Pride has 7 evil consequences:
(2)Love of publicity
(3)Hypocrisy( a way of behaving in which you pretend that you have better moral principles than you actually do)
(4)Hardheadedness( practical and able to make difficult decisions without letting your emotions affect your judgment)
(5)Discord(formal disagreement or quarreling between people)

When all these 7 inclinations grow in our dealings with God and neighbour, leads to Egoism.

JOB Through suffering get rid of pride. Which is essential feature needed to follow God's will,under new covenant.
When your emotional machine  balloons with pride,you get fear for slightest disturbance to your normal life.
Jesus clearly showed that HE can do impossible to Possible reminding us, when we follow 10 commandments with no enemies, follow God's Will and avoid 7 vices, specially PRIDE, you will not get emotional disturbance to the situation, as you know God is with you.

A good example, of dying without any emotional agony was the death of St Maximillian kolbe.

A franciscan priest, St Maximillian Kolbe,(born 1894) who was sent to the concentration camp at Auschwitz for opposing nazis: he died(14/8/1941)- when he exchanged his life for that of a condemned married man.

What is the difference with Maximillian Kolbe to Jesus disciples?. May be that concept of Holy spirit was absent, until pentecost?.


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Cycle 2:season:ordinary(2): Sunday No:11: Date:14/6/2015. Mustard Catholic - in detail

A. Back Ground: The real ordinary time start today. It talks about characteristics of developing faith. The difference between bouquet and seed. Growing seed is difficult and time consuming. It needs everyday watering and manuaring. Then only it will become a big tree.

B. Preamble for today's reading:

B.1 what is faith?
In our living world, there are many professions: medicine,engineering,legal etc. Each profession there are things to understand logically. Then you grow on faith in that profession. Similarly religion. First you should be clear about concepts. Then you should know the scientific theory behind that.
Let's think about Catholicism, what are the concepts.
(1) God has created human according to His image, to lead a happy life(logic: you cannot decide from which parents that you can come to this world? Only God decides. He decide your death time too)
(2)Our original parents, didn't follow the guide lines given by God. They ate fruits from forbidden tree, which causes them to expel from Eden Garden.(Freedom is always subject to follow law-not to eat from forbidden tree)
(3)Fear and sorrow introduced to human life

(4)God trained Israelis how to accept full freedom through Jesus(son of God)

(5)Basic guideline introduced to human before Jesus was to follow 10 commandments with Eye to eye principle.
And God was instructing direct.

(6)After Jesus, full freedom restored with same 10 commandments with pardoning principle/ with triune God(father-son-holy spirit)/now God s invisible, you have to search for HIM.

(7) Full Freedom for human means, Human's cannot control over death and they will not know 100% outcome for any action. These two is under the control of God.

(8) Death,fear and sorrow to our life is the result of sin, done by ourselves(going against 10 commandments+not following God's will). Christianity says, that your sins will be pardoned immediately, under the sacrament of confession.

(9)Your brain, consist of 2 machines-logical + Emotional. For any action of yours these 2 machines discuss, mostly they contradict. Hence any action of yours is a CROSS, since you are not avail of 100% of outcome of that action.
Jesus showed practically, how these 2 machines functions, swinging from Gethsamane To Golgotha. Every acton of ours is a cross, since we are not avail,100% outcome of that action. Hence every human life is a cross. Jesus(God), showed, to choose to dying at the cross, that our life too, we are hanging on a cross. The 5 wounds Jesus was having, has even seen after HE has risen, just to indicate, that we sinned mainly from our 5 senses.(Mouth,eyes,nose,hear & touch). Every day you have to get it pardoned for those sins.

(10) Human life is full of worries,fears and sorrows/disagreements. God means love and Happy. But our sins(gong against God) make us our life miserable, like the dead body of Jesus. What is the treatment for these woes?
God, in His own wisdom,showed us, at the cross, that Holy Mary is our mother. Death body of Jesus were kept at the lap of Holy Mary. Jesus at the cross was hanging on 3 nails. 3 nails can be assigned
(1) woes of your self
(2) woes with your immediate family
(3) woes with your society. Hence all these woes to be handed over to Holy Mary/saints for them to intercede with God.

Old linen was kept at the tomb of Jesus, implying that all your bad experience and sins to forget by your self. Lastly the stone of the tomb was rolled out,implying that you should determine to change.

When you understand,and convinced
about logic behind concepts, then it is easy for you to practice.

B.2: what pope Francis says about faith:


The light of faith: this is how the church traditions speak of the great gift brought by Jesus. In john's gospel, Christ says himself:" I have come as light into the world, that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness."(Jn 12:46). St paul uses the same image:" God who said' let light shine out of darkness' has shone in our hearts (2 Cor 4:6). The pagan world, which hungered for light, had seen the growth of the cult of the sun God, sol invictcus, invoked each day at sunrise. Yet though the sun was born a new each morning, it was clearly incapable of casting it's light on all human existence. The sun does not illumine all realty; its rays cannot penetrate to the shadow of death, the place where men's eyes are closed to it's light."No one- saint justin martyr writes-has ever been ready to die for his faith in the sun" Conscious of the immense horizon which their faith opened before them, Christians invoked Jesus as the true sun"whose rays bestow life". To Martha,weeping for the death of lazarus, Jesus said:" did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?"(Jn11:40). Those who believe, see; they see with a light that illumines their entire Journey, for it comes from the risen Christ, the morning star which never sets.;

B.3 More consideration of seed and tree

For any seed to develop like a big tree, it needs
(1) Care+ everyday watering
(2) Sunlight

The above (1) you have to do it, while
above (2) God will provide.
When you want the support of God, you need to follow HIS commandments. Otherwise you are trying to grow a small tree, without sunlight, which is not possible.

B.4 Why we respect so much Holy MARY!

She is a  living examples for us to(1) follow the God's will(2)setting example of developing faith!

She was from the Jew's religion,but in following God's will, she never find fault with God, for the difficulties, they face in bringing up Jesus, from childhood to youth.
Specially how she managed (1)in up bringing Jesus, until jesus' public life(2) hoe she introduced Jesus for public lfe(at Cana)(3) seeing his sorrowful agony(4) leading church with apostles & now she protect human for their misgivings!

C. Today's reading:

Ezk 17:22-24 says" ..top..cedar..highest branch..take a shoot..plant it myself..high mountain..bird will live.."

Paul says(2 cor 5:6-10)"..to be exiled from body and make our home with Lord..we are intent of pleasing Him.."

Mark(4:26-34) says"Jesus said..seed..night and day..growing..harvest..Kingdom Of God like a mustard seed..smallest.. grows.. biggest..birds..He spoke..capable of understanding.."

Characteristics of developing Faith. It is a continuous effort, until your death. Any subject when you need to develop, you have to be fully focused on that subject throughout your life time. Then only you can see the beauty of that subject.
Similarly Jesus teaching you have to focused at least on sundays for you to enjoy your life as promised by God. We are ever grateful to saint Pius V, for arranging these readings, in 16 th centuary. Following Jesus teaching, you will see Impossible things make it possible
In your life.

C. Conclusion:
 You normally like bouquet of flowers rather than a packet of seed. But you forget that there is a limitation of cut flowers,no matter how beautiful they are. You have to spend more time,in planting seeds. Jesus told you to grow seed of faith, by following HIM.U grow every day Faith, with support of God/Mary &saints,Then you will be happy, enjoying beauty of God's creation. Catholic faith is always maturing with life time,when you trust& follow ONLY Jesus teaching. HE will not disappoint,you, provided you give your all.

In ordinary times 1- we started from Baptism-the real acceptance of our free will to accommodate God into our life. Ordinary times 2- we were reminded of growing our knowledge about Jesus teachings in our life.  When we grow the knowledge of Catholicism, the seed of Jesus, in our life, gradually becoming like a big tree.


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