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Saints 1/11 (general)

1. Inter dependency

To get loaf of bread home,there are many people involved. Ex:grow wheat,cut,grind etc For you to live happily in this world you need another person support. Hence you have to Love and depend on them. May be just to show,heavenly need to associate with saints.

2. Does Christianity says saints are necessary?

God got consent from Mary to bring Jesus into this world,still Judaism cannot believe it!.By divine choice Mary/saints are interceeding for us!.(ex: Cana wedding),

MOST THING IN CHRISTIANITY  WORKING THRU' SECONDRY SOURCES. Others interceded Jesus on behalf of their friends,HE never rebuke them &request sick person himself to come direct to him.(Ex:canaanite women Mat15:22,Roman centurion LK;7:1-10)

3. Does saints need our honour?

Saints does not need honour from us neither our devotions add slightest thing for what theirs!.

4. Value of saints to our life

For happy life you need friends and leave them with death,but if you have a saint friend,he is forever!.

Prayer with saints affirms that we are one spiritual FAMILY!,with God.

5. Beautiful process of Canonisation

Canonisation is an official decree of the catholic church. It is definitive judgement of the Pope, that a person is now listed among saints in Heaven. Through Canonisation, the pope makes a formal declaration that the immortal soul of the person in question is now with God and with His eternal glory. Hence we look on saints with great respect and admiration. The saint is given as an example because of their Virtues. Beatification is a step in the canonisation process. If a person is beatified, he has been thoroughly investigated by the church, a miracle has been attributed to him, and he has been given the title Blessed. The catholic church canonaises or beatifies only those whose lives have been marked by the use of heroic virtue.(Good work that greatly out distance those of ordinary good people). In order to be heroic, it must be done with pure & honourable motives, quickly & thoroughly. A heroic virtue is a habit of good conduct that has become second nature to a person- not just a good deed here or there, like helping an old lady across a street . HEROIC VIRTUE HELPS AN ORDINERY PERSON TO ACCOMPLISH ORDINARY THINGS IN AN EXTRAORDINARY WAY!. Does any other christian denomination have SAINTS or this kind of process?

6. Steps followed to declare as saints

5steps to declare a Saint
(1)whether he lead his life with 7Heroic Virtues(cardinal-PRUDENCE,JUSTICE,FORTITUDE, TEMPERENCE+theological-FAITH,HOPE, CHARITY)
(2)With approval from CONGREGRATION FOR CAUSE OF SAINTS(CFCOS),he will be considered"SERVENT OF GOD"
(3)Relator & experts investigate his writting& work whether those are Theologically Sound!,with majority CFCOS,Pope will declare him as "VENERABLE"(Virtues are worthy of being venerated by lay people!)
(4)Blessed is declared,with a miracle-(Prostulator report,action is supernatural & directly attributed to him)
(5)After Blessed another miracle need him to be canonised as Saint!.

7. Pope saints

St Peter to pope francis,there were266popes. 80 popes have declared as saints. Earliest popes were martyred for their faith and became saints. Once persecution of church ended,popes becoming saints got thinner. Only 4popes became saints in last701yrs, after Celestine V(1313),PiusV(1712),Pius X(1954)& recent were John23& John Paul2,(2014 apr).

19th and 20th centuries 80&665 new saints declared.

8. Saints to our life
By divine choice Mary & saints are interceding for us!.(ex:Cana why Mary request Jesus),Intercessory prayer affirms that we are one spiritual FAMILY!,with God."PRAY FOR ME"means I am inviting you to be in my family!

9: New concepts of God with Jesus

Mary's role: A creature was asked by the CREATOR, if she would freely cooperate with God's plan to take humanity out of mire,Mary accepted. This is the new concept of christianity! Your free will is only thing that belongs to you. God will never interfere to your free will. In order to find God's will for you, you should have a Peaceful mind without worries. Then U will get to know His will thru' various means. Then you can either Accept or reject His will.
New concept is(1)God willed to send His son thru holy family(2)God willed that thru' Mary/saints to relieve our fear & sorrow, similar to our earthly friends. Unfortunately only catholics know this not our Protestant friends!.

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