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24sunday(14/9/2014) Eternal Catholic!- THE EXALTATION OF THE HOLY CROSS - in detail

A.Back ground:
Up to now, sunday by sunday, we were reminded of developing your life river(Soul) with strong banks(avoid anger,avoid laziness, start the flow with higher elevation(with converting your talents to energy), following God's will, with looking after your neighbor to reach Happiness in both worlds!.
Today we are being again reminded,
(1) Death came thru' the original sin
(2) Jesus is the only person who overcome death
(3)Strong relevance to follow and practice NEW TESTAMENT, rather analyzing too much on historical background of OLD TESTAMENT!

B. Preamble for to days reading:


Surrendering your will to God's will, allow your life river to turn the way that God want, before going to the sea. Climate conditions you cannot control!. You surrender to climate. May be climate is introduced by God, for us to understand that our will to be surrendered to God's will for Eternal reasons!


 Catholicism has very beautiful method of treating blocks to the water flow(of your river) or how to treat fear and sorrow in your life. 3 methods
(1) To avoid fear and sorrow, invite Holy Mary to your life by wearing Miraculous medal and reciting daily individual rosary. Then handing your fear and sorrows to her. She will intercede with God on behalf of you!
(2)To treat fear and sorrow, already in existence, identify any favorite saints of yours and request them to intercede on behalf of your problem(favorite means you should have read about them, respect them by having Novena, lighting candles etc)
(3) If you have to carry out action, under disagreement which is lying in your personal freedom, carry out that action happily, by handing over such action to jesus on the cross.

B.3 Identifying the relevance of OLD to NEW testaments:

Old testament has been currently followed by Judaism. John the baptist is the interface between old to new testament. New testament mainly focused on 4 gospels, where gospel writers try to show what are Jesus teachings and His actions!. God has not written any instructions for us except the availability of new testament written by many writers. God's word has been reached to us thru' Jesus teaching and His actions.
Jesus Himself part of TRINITY(God).
Old testament were based on creation of human subject to NOT to eat fruit of forbidden tree. Jesus New message is that, we are newly born human, subject to LOVE and follow God's direction! (With following Jesus teaching and action as guide line)

Hence we should be very careful in identifying many reflections from the OLD testament, as it mainly directed the introduction of Jesus Christ into this world! and it's historical background!.

C. Todays reading
Book of numbers remind us(says Fulton J Sheen in his "The worlds first Love"- page 195) quote" that every unhappy soul in the world has a cross embedded in it. The cross was never meant to be on the inside, but only on the outside. When the Israelites were bitten by serpents,and the poison seeped within, Moses planted a brazen serpent on a stick and all who looked at on it were healed. The brazen serpent was like the serpent which stuck them, but it was without poison. So Jesus came in the likeness of man,but was without sin,and all who look upon Him on His cross are saved. In like manner inner cross or complex disappears when one catches a vision of the great outer cross on Calvary, with God- Man upon it who solves the contradiction by making good come from evil, life from death and victory from defeat".

Similarly we may say the same of Jesus as He faced death for us. Being lifted up for our sake, He looked in the eye and took away it's power over us.

Paul says that the state of Jesus was divine,yet He did not cling to His equality with God but emptied Himself to assume the condition of a slave remind us the value of emptying by us, by having a peaceful mind, to follow God's will or to become a slave of God!.
Jn 3:13-17; jesus said to Nicodemus"NO ONE HAS GONE UP TO HEAVEN EXCEPT THE ONE WHO CAME DOWN FROM HEAVEN..." Reminds the following of new teachings of jesus is essential to have Eternal Happiness(in this world as well as outside of this world)

All readings sums up to have ETERNAL HAPPINESS, follow new testament, where Jesus teachings has clearly told
(1) follow 10 commandments, with no enemies(PEACEFUL MIND) with following God's will to you!
(2)For happiness in this world, intercession of Mary and saints to be required,by us to obtain God's direction
(3) For crosses in this life(lying in your personal freedom) treatment is to hand over such to Holy Mary/saints for a direction from God and live happily. For any disagreed actions to be carried out, handing over to Jesus on the cross, and carry the action" if anybody ask you to carry 1 mile,carry 2 miles Happily"

Today it is clearly shown, the value of following new testament rather we harping too much on the old testament! And value of the CROSS!to resolve our life Crosses!

D. Conclusions:

Human life is very complex. Even many christians may not understand clearly the relevance of Jesus teachings to the relevance of Jesus as a person. If we try to put Jesus as a person, we should keep it in our mind that Jesus is part of Trinity too. Then we will be able to understand the role of MARY/SAINTS In CHRISTIANITY!. Today all readings focus to the value of following Jesus word for our Happiness! And the treatment given by Cross for our disagreements!


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