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20th Sunday(24/8/2014) Confident Catholic

Paul says:"ALL THAT EXIST COMES FROM GOD"reminds that God is Eternal, Powerful where as your Powerless life is limited to TIME,SPACE and ENERGY. With  death only Energy(soul)will become Eternal,while Time&Space seized.
Prophet Issaiah reminds that you are subject to change,if God finds U IDLING!
(Gospel give an example of cursing the pig tree)
 Energy is similar to water flow in your life river. If you don't make2 banks(spiritual gravitation+health)strong due to Laziness & poor free will, water start leaking without going to sea!.
 When 2banks are strong by following actions with Jesus teaching,your water flow become stronger with loving experience of God.
 Mt:16:13-20;Jesus question"WHO DO YOU SAY THAT I AM"!. Peter's response from his personal experience of Jesus over 3 years.
 Can you confidently answer for same question? "Yes,I lead a happy life thru' following catholic principles',then you are having KEY OF YOUR ROOM AT KINDOM OF HEAVEN!. Can you tell others?

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