Paul says:"ALL THAT EXIST COMES FROM GOD"reminds that God is Eternal, Powerful where as your Powerless life is limited to TIME,SPACE and ENERGY. With death only Energy(soul)will become Eternal,while Time&Space seized.
Prophet Issaiah reminds that you are subject to change,if God finds U IDLING!
(Gospel give an example of cursing the pig tree)
(Gospel give an example of cursing the pig tree)
Energy is similar to water flow in your life river. If you don't make2 banks(spiritual gravitation+health)strong due to Laziness & poor free will, water start leaking without going to sea!.
When 2banks are strong by following actions with Jesus teaching,your water flow become stronger with loving experience of God.
Mt:16:13-20;Jesus question"WHO DO YOU SAY THAT I AM"!. Peter's response from his personal experience of Jesus over 3 years.
Can you confidently answer for same question? "Yes,I lead a happy life thru' following catholic principles',then you are having KEY OF YOUR ROOM AT KINDOM OF HEAVEN!. Can you tell others?