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Cycle 1: Season: Ordinary Sunday No:16 Date: 23/7/2017 Envious Catholic - in detail

High light:

Cycle 1:season: Ordinary Sunday No:16 Date: 23/7/2017 envious Catholic
(1) WhAt you mean by Envy or jealousy?
(2)Why you need many peoples support to bring the loaf of bread to your table?. (One to grow wheat, others grind, others to bake etc)
(3) Can you live alone in this world, without the support of others?. Will the other person has to do the same vocation as you?.your father/mother/sister/brother will they have the same character as you?.
(4) Will 'variety' make this world beautiful and allow you to value(or jealous) of other persons abilities?instead of valuing and praise lord, when you are jealous about his abilities what will happen to you!
(5)Will our education system, allows to achieve knowledge by competitions?.though we say we are not envious about other person's progress, does jealousy sneak thru' to your life, without your knowledge? Is competition good?
(6)Why God says let them both grow till the harvest? Is your good is same as my good?
(7) Why spiritual jealousy is Worst than physical jealousy?


Reflection for 23rd July 2017, celebrating 16th Sunday mass of ordinary season,of cycle 1. Today church invite you to analyze why you are attracted towards envy or jealousy, in your life, and how to avoid this.

Envy is another deadly sin-is the resentment of another person's good fortune/joy. 2 kinds.
(1)MATERIAL-you resent others who have more money,talent,strength,beauty, friends etc,than you do
(2)SPIRITUAL- resenting others who progress in holiness preparing that they stay at or below your level,instead being joyful & happy, that they are doing what they supposed to be doing. SPIRITUAL ENVY IS FAR WORST & MORE EVIL THAN MATERIAL ENVY.
jealousy is fear of losing what you already have & considered as much sin as envy. These people are insecure,& fearful of peers, taking what they have surpassing them. MEEKNESS/KINDNESS can counter Envy. Gen 37-47 shows, how Joseph showed kindness to his envious brothers, these son's of JACOB, became 12 tribes Isrel. When U feel,other person,material/spiritual progress is not justifiable or accountable, MT(24)says"LET THEM BOTH GROW TILL THE HARVEST"U forget the matter,by handing over to God.

Original roots!

Jealousy or envy was the main driver of our original parents, to be tapped by satan. They were being mislead, that they can become like God, if they eaten the forbidden fruit.

God created adam And eve as matured, but not as baby's, but envy caused them be fallen with God, which led to a blame game.

What is Blame Game
Adam&Eve disobedience changed everything. They wore fig leaves to cover their nakedness,(explain why we should wear clothes).They heard sound of God walking in garden. They hid themselves(reminds first game of HIDE&SEEK)Peculiar question God asked"WHERE ARE you"(does God not know).God doesnot ask question to gain knowledge,but to give opportunity"COME CLEAN".Adam came clean. When God asked why?,he said" WOMEN WHOM you GAVE ME TO BE WITH ME,SHE GAVE ME FRUIT &I ATE!"-his words means-He not only blames women, but in case that's not going to get him out of Hot water,he says"Whom you gave me"God ask Eve-She realizing how this game is played,passes buck once more. "SERPENT TRICK ME &I ATE"-this Blame Game can only go so far &begining with serpent,God declares HIS judgment against each of guilty parties. For serpent-scrolling on ground&eat dirt. Eve-Pain in child birth,Adam-pain of laboring field.

Todays reading:
Book of wisdom (Ws 12:13.16-19) says " after sin you will grant repentance"

Paul to Romans (Rm 8:26-27) says" the spirit express our plea n a way that could never be put into words"

Mt(13:24-43) says" let them both grow till the harvest".

Reminds that you are church going and lot of other people who do evil is living more happier than you. You start to thnk why this will happen?. Whether the God is real. All these things will come to your mind under this competitive world. Competitions we should drop after childhood. When you matured, you will get to know the reality of the world. The importance of avoiding 7 vices for your own benefit. How to develop your wisdom, for the love of God. Today Gospel clearly indicates not to be envious about others progress. Since you don't know why others were given such benefits!. May be God is having a plan. You cannot judge others progress. The problem come in when we analyze our earth bound needs and feel competition, comparing with our needs. Tday God says hand over such to him, carry out your action according to your own wisdom!

In conclusion: today church reminds us:

1)adam &eve was created as adults,not as babies:their envy,to become like God,resulted introduction of Sin
(2)God introduced childhood to show like child{following parents, you have to follow God+avoid childish work,when you become adult}
(3)children's education is based on competition,but when you become adult,instead of competition you have to find wisdom,otherwise you will attract to infallibility,selfishness& Ego.Ego without your knowledge develop as envy/jealousy
(4)God has created you for a different purpose than others
(5)Identify God's Will in your life,for that God oxiginate your blood every second
(6)But you have to make your own blood

(7)only God make air&you make your blood: which science cannot do.Ur wisdom what action?

When you develop wisdom you become more independent and not think jealousy abut others achievement.! Drop competition with others to enjoy your life. Do your acton to the love of God, to enjoy the God given happiness in your life.

Thank you

For more pl visit:
http://weeklycatholicreflection.blogspot.com Or
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Cycle 1: Season: Ordinary Sunday No:16 Date: 23/7/2017 Envious Catholic - in summary

High light:

(1) WhAt you mean by Envy or jealousy?
(2)Why you need many peoples support to bring the loaf of bread to your table?. (One to grow wheat, others grind, others to bake etc)
(3) Can you live alone in this world, without the support of others?. Will the other person has to do the same vocation as you?.your father/mother/sister/brother will they have the same character as you?.
(4) Will 'variety' make this world beautiful and allow you to value(or jealous) of other persons abilities?instead of valuing and praise lord, when you are jealous about his abilities what will happen to you!
(5)Will our education system, allows to achieve knowledge by competitions?.though we say we are not envious about other person's progress, does jealousy sneak thru' to your life, without your knowledge? Is competition good?
(6)Why God says let them both grow till the harvest? Is your good is same as my good?
(7) Why spiritual jealousy is Worst than physical jealousy?


Reflection for 23rd July 2017, celebrating 16th Sunday mass of ordinary season,of cycle 1. Today church invite you to analyze why you are attracted towards envy or jealousy, in your life, and how to avoid this.

Envy is another deadly sin-is the resentment of another person's good fortune/joy. 2 kinds.
(1)MATERIAL-you resent others who have more money,talent,strength,beauty, friends etc,than you do
(2)SPIRITUAL- resenting others who progress in holiness preparing that they stay at or below your level,instead being joyful & happy, that they are doing what they supposed to be doing. SPIRITUAL ENVY IS FAR WORST & MORE EVIL THAN MATERIAL ENVY.
jealousy is fear of losing what you already have & considered as much sin as envy. These people are insecure,& fearful of peers, taking what they have surpassing them. MEEKNESS/KINDNESS can counter Envy.

Gen 37-47 shows, how Joseph showed kindness to his envious brothers, these son's of JACOB, became 12 tribes Isrel. When U feel,other person,material/spiritual progress is not justifiable or accountable, MT(24)says"LET THEM BOTH GROW TILL THE HARVEST"U forget the matter,by handing over to God.

 Original roots!

Jealousy or envy was the main driver of our original parents, to be tapped by satan. They were being mislead, that they can become like God, if they eaten the forbidden fruit.

God created adam And eve as matured, but not as baby's, but envy caused them be fallen with God, which led to a blame game.

What is Blame Game
Adam&Eve disobedience changed everything. They wore fig leaves to cover their nakedness,(explain why we should wear clothes).They heard sound of God walking in garden. They hid themselves(reminds first game of HIDE&SEEK)Peculiar question God asked"WHERE ARE you"(does God not know).God doesnot ask question to gain knowledge,but to give opportunity"COME CLEAN".Adam came clean. When God asked why?,he said" WOMEN WHOM you GAVE ME TO BE WITH ME,SHE GAVE ME FRUIT &I ATE!"-his words means-He not only blames women, but in case that's not going to get him out of Hot water,he says"Whom you gave me"God ask Eve-She realizing how this game is played,passes buck once more. "SERPENT TRICK ME &I ATE"-this Blame Game can only go so far &begining with serpent,God declares HIS judgment against each of guilty parties. For serpent-scrolling on ground&eat dirt. Eve-Pain in child birth,Adam-pain of laboring field.

Todays reading:
Book of wisdom (Ws 12:13.16-19) says " after sin you will grant repentance"

Paul to Romans (Rm 8:26-27) says" the spirit express our plea in a way that could never be put into words"

Mt(13:24-43) says" let them both grow till the harvest".

Reminds that you are church going and lot of other people who do evil is living more happier than you. You start to thnk why this will happen?. Whether the God is real. All these things will come to your mind under this competitive world. Competitions we should drop after childhood. When you matured, you will get to know the reality of the world. The importance of avoiding 7 vices for your own benefit. How to develop your wisdom, for the love of God. Today Gospel clearly indicates not to be envious about others progress. Since you don't know why others were given such benefits!. May be God is having a plan. You cannot judge others progress. The problem come in when we analyze our earth bound needs and feel competition, comparing with our needs. Tday God says hand over such to him, carry out your action according to your own wisdom!

In conclusion: today church reminds us:

1)adam &eve was created as adults,not as babies:their envy,to become like God,resulted introduction of Sin
(2)God introduced childhood to show like child{following parents, you have to follow God+avoid childish work,when you become adult}
(3)children's education is based on competition,but when you become adult,instead of competition you have to find wisdom,otherwise you will attract to infallibility,selfishness& Ego.Ego without your knowledge develop as envy/jealousy
(4)God has created you for a different purpose than others
(5)Identify God's Will in your life,for that God oxiginate your blood every second
(6)But you have to make your own blood

(7)only God make air&you make your blood: which science cannot do.Ur wisdom what action?

When you develop wisdom you become more independent and not think jealousy about others achievement.! Drop competition with others to enjoy your life. Do your acton to the love of God, to enjoy the God given happiness in your life.

Thank you

For more pl visit:
http://weeklycatholicreflection.blogspot.com Or

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Cycle 1: Season: Ordinary Sunday No:15 Date: 16/7/2017 Informative Catholic - in detail

High light:
(1)Why there are 3 types of soil in the parable of sower: why not 4 or 5?. Similarly,you receive many information, how to convert your information to knowledge, then to your wisdom?
(2) Can you easily verify the information you receive whether it is correct?. Do you need the support of God & saints for that?. Without verifying can you convert that information to knowledge?.
(3)What is your reference for verification?.Is it earth bound cravings or 10 comms+avoid 7 vices+pardoning & love?(What God asked you to do?
(4)When you don't know your reference, is it same as 2nd soil of parable of sower? Is it same as you lead your life without a driving force ultimately end up with suffering?
(5)Do you believe(a) God(FATHER) oxignate your blood,for you to be dynamic every second,(b)for that(SON)you have to make physical(Eucharist)+spiritual(avoid 7 vices) BLOOD. How to do that?
(6) Why you need Holy Spirit support to convert your information to knowledge? Why need to follow church rules?
(7) How you lead your happy life(Wisdom), following God's Will,With your driving force?
Pl listen for 7 mins:

Reflection for 16th july 2017, celebrating 15th Sunday mass of ordinary season,of cycle 1. Today church invite you to analyze how you convert your information to knowledge and lead your life according to your own wisdom, following God's will

We know that paradigm of people changes from time to time. For example agricultural revolution allow people to produce food much efficient than earlier. Industrial revolution allowed us to go from
one place to another place much quicker than earlier. Communication
where we are heading now, we were able to communicate with another
person much quicker than earlier. Earlier we use postal letters to have personal communication, but now you use e mail for that, resulting to have more efficient method. Those days we used to have books and radio's for public communications, but today you will have Google search and web
sites and tv even with 3d.

Communication revolution, resulted with digital transmission, with optical fibre as transmission media,Couple with the vast
development of computer technology has paved way to have a information explosion society in present Era.

Hence it is important to analyze, how the information that you receive to be converted to knowledge.

What is knowledge?

Knowledge is a familiarity, awareness, or understanding of someone or something, such as facts,information,descriptions, or skills,which is acquired through experience or education by perceiving,discovering, or learning.

Knowledge can refer to a theoretical or practical understanding of a subject.

In order to transfer information to knowledge, you should be able
to verify the information,easily. Otherwise, you cannot develop your knowledge!.

When you acquire knowledge, by hard work, you can easily verify information with regard to that subject and continue develop on
that knowledge you gathered.

When you analyze further, say, you want to know about your best friend character. You should develop a knowledge about your friend.
First you  get information about him. How his character is formed? What is his eating habbits?, what are his hobbies, on what
subjects he tried to discuss etc. May be that you are not happy in all of his behevirol pattern, but you have develop a knowledge of his character. Then you match your actions to suit his character.
This is how you make the friendship with him. If you are happy to eat chicken curry, where he likes vegetable curry, when you invite him to your home, you will make vegetable curry for him, instead of
chicken curry. Also you don't force him to eat chicken curry!

Look at this phenomina more closely. When you respect a person you
try to develop knowledge on him. Certain behavior may be match to your character, but certain may not be. So your knowledge about him has to be discretely separated. When you move with him, you get
information, about that particular behevior, then you verify,whether, still the same behevirol pattern exist with him. Why?
People can always change. The behevirol pattern will change. So you always quntise about his character with respect to you.
Quantize mean that you approximate (a continuously varying signal)by one whose amplitude is restricted to a prescribed set of
Though you may be not fully synconised with your friends chacter,
you respect him and accomodate with him, where you can match to his

It is interesting to note, that present communication method is achieved by digital process. In digital, you sample your voice signal. You Will see 8000 times per second your voice is sampled. Your
continuous voice signal will be converted to 8000 discreate signals per second. Then this discreate signal is quantise to a prescibed
determine value, so that verification becomes easy at the receiving end. At the receiver you can easily reconvert back to the original discreate signal. Then by low pass filtering(techneique you adopt to
reconstruct your discreate siganls to make it to original continuous signal)

Digital process that you follow now, is similar to the process that
you adopt to convert your information to knowledge. Information is
flowing. You first break your information to various sections, then
you verify these information to your previous experience so that you reconvert easily to the original signal. Just compare the your
friends analysis, that I mentioned here earlier.

Today's reading:

Proph Isiahs says(Is 55:10-11) the rain makes the earth give

Paul to Romans says( RM 8:8-23) "the whole creation is eagerly
waiting for God to reveal HIS sons.

Mathew 13:1-23 says" a sower went out to sow"

Reminds that there can be 3 types of people in the world. The people who get information, without verifying you try to absorb that information as knowledge. Easiest method of following this is
gossiping. This lead to judge a person without proper anaysis!. When you keep on doing this you will see, you will be angry
unnecessarily by looking at a person or by undermining his good work. That is why mat mat 7 says don't judge other person.

Second set of people is you try to convert your information into sections, then verify, then keep this knowledge to add together in
identifying the other person character. This is not easy if you don't have the grace of God: when you don't have pardoning
and love develop in your character, you will find difficult to develop good unbiased knowledge about other person.

Last one is with pardoning and love you convert your information to
knowledge. This will not make your blood hot. This will not make you angry. This will help you to understand the God's
commandments and to follow that commandments for your own happiness
and understand the value of avoiding 7 vices(anger, sloth,pride,lust,envy, avarice, glutony).


This information explosion era provides you many information with regards to all aspects of life. Certain information you can easily
verify, with your scientific knowledge. Why you get this disease etc,
but certain information you cannot verify. It is tedious and take much time to verify. When you take these information which cannot be verified as knowledge, you might end up following a wrong path, which you get unhappiness. For ex you might think certain leader is good, but later you become convince he is bad. When you don't
invoke God's support to convert such information to knowledge,
you will not get the real truth. Now you are aware how to move with
1st soil to 2 nd soil. To move to 3rd soil, you should take knowledge you have, and select which knowledge of yours to be practiced, this is your wisdom. Your actions has to be practiced under the umbrella of pardoning and love. With this information explosion era, without the support of God, you cannot find what is truth in most of the cases, if you lose relationship with God!

Thank you!

God's bless you!

For more pl visit:
http://weeklycatholicreflection.blogspot.com Or
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15th Ordinary Sunday of Cycle 1: 16/7/2017 Informative Catholic - in summary

High light:

(1)Why there are 3 types of soil in the parable of sower: why not 4 or 5?. Similarly,you receive many information, how to convert your information to knowledge, then to your wisdom?

(2) Can you easily verify the information you receive whether it is correct?. Do you need the support of God & saints for that?. Without verifying can you convert that information to knowledge?.

(3)What is your reference for verification?.Is it earth bound cravings or 10 comms+avoid 7 vices+pardoning & love?(What God asked you to do?

(4)When you don't know your reference, is it same as 2nd soil of parable of sower? Is it same as you lead your life without a driving force ultimately end up with suffering?

(5)Do you believe(a) God(FATHER) oxignate your blood,for you to be dynamic every second,(b)for that(SON)you have to make physical(Eucharist)+spiritual(avoid 7 vices) BLOOD. How to do that?

(6) Why you need Holy Spirit support to convert your information to knowledge? Why need to follow church rules?

(7) How you lead your happy life(Wisdom), following God's Will,With your driving force?

Pl listen for 7 mins:


Reflection for 16th July 2017, celebrating 15th Sunday mass of ordinary season, of cycle 1. Today church invite you to analyse how you convert your information to knowledge and lead your life according to your own wisdom, following God's will

We know that paradigm of people changes from time to time. For example agricultural revolution allow people to produce food much efficient than earlier. Industrial revolution allowed us to go from

one place to another place much quicker than earlier. Communication

where we are heading now, we were able to communicate with another
person much quicker than earlier. Earlier we use postal letters to have personal communication, but now you use e mail for that, resulting to have more efficient method. Those days we used to have books and radio's for public communications, but today you will have Google search and web

sites and tv even with 3d.

Communication revolution, resulted with digital transmission, with optical fibre as transmission media,Couple with the vast

development of computer technology has paved way to have a information explosion society in present Era.

Hence it is important to analyze, how the information that you receive to be converted to knowledge.

What is knowledge?

Knowledge is a familiarity, awareness, or understanding of someone or something, such as facts,information,descriptions, or skills,which is acquired through experience or education by perceiving,discovering, or learning.

Knowledge can refer to a theoretical or practical understanding of a subject.

In order to transfer information to knowledge, you should be able

to verify the information,easily. Otherwise, you cannot develop your knowledge!.

When you acquire knowledge, by hard work, you can easily verify information with regard to that subject and continue develop on

that knowledge you gathered.

When you analyze further, say, you want to know about your best friend character. You should develop a knowledge about your friend.

First you get information about him. How his character is formed? What is his eating habbits?, what are his hobbies, on what

subjects he tried to discuss etc. May be that you are not happy in all of his behevirol pattern, but you have develop a knowledge of his character. Then you match your actions to suit his character.

This is how you make the friendship with him. If you are happy to eat chicken curry, where he likes vegetable curry, when you invite him to your home, you will make vegetable curry for him, instead of

chicken curry. Also you don't force him to eat chicken curry!

Look at this phenomina more closely. When you respect a person you
try to develop knowledge on him. Certain behavior may be match to your character, but certain may not be. So your knowledge about him has to be discretely separated. When you move with him, you get

information, about that particular behevior, then you verify,whether, still the same behevirol pattern exist with him. Why?

People can always change. The behevirol pattern will change. So you always quntise about his character with respect to you.

Quantize mean that you approximate (a continuously varying signal)by one whose amplitude is restricted to a prescribed set of


Though you may be not fully synconised with your friends chacter,

you respect him and accomodate with him, where you can match to his


It is interesting to note, that present communication method is achieved by digital process. In digital, you sample your voice signal. You Will see 8000 times per second your voice is sampled. Your

continuous voice signal will be converted to 8000 discreate signals per second. Then this discreate signal is quantise to a prescibed

determine value, so that verification becomes easy at the receiving end. At the receiver you can easily reconvert back to the original discreate signal. Then by low pass filtering(techneique you adopt to

reconstruct your discreate siganls to make it to original continuous signal)

Digital process that you follow now, is similar to the process that

you adopt to convert your information to knowledge. Information is

flowing. You first break your information to various sections, then

you verify these information to your previous experience so that you reconvert easily to the original signal. Just compare the your

friends analysis, that I mentioned here earlier.

Today's reading:

Proph Isiahs says(Is 55:10-11) the rain makes the earth give


Paul to Romans says( RM 8:8-23) "the whole creation is eagerly
waiting for God to reveal HIS sons.

Mathew 13:1-23 says" a sower went out to sow"

Reminds that there can be 3 types of people in the world. The people who get information, without verifying you try to absorb that information as knowledge. Easiest method of following this is

gossiping. This lead to judge a person without proper anaysis!. When you keep on doing this you will see, you will be angry

unnecessarily by looking at a person or by undermining his good work. That is why mat mat 7 says don't judge other person.

Second set of people is you try to convert your information into sections, then verify, then keep this knowledge to add together in

identifying the other person character. This is not easy if you don't have the grace of God: when you don't have pardoning

and love develop in your character, you will find difficult to develop good unbiased knowledge about other person.

Last one is with pardoning and love you convert your information to

knowledge. This will not make your blood hot. This will not make you angry. This will help you to understand the God's

commandments and to follow that commandments for your own happiness

and understand the value of avoiding 7 vices(anger, sloth,pride,lust,envy, avarice, glutony).


This information explosion era provides you many information with regards to all aspects of life. Certain information you can easily

verify, with your scientific knowledge. Why you get this disease etc,

but certain information you cannot verify. It is tedious and take much time to verify. When you take these information which cannot be verified as knowledge, you might end up following a wrong path, which you get unhappiness. For ex you might think certain leader is good, but later you become convince he is bad. When you don't

invoke God's support to convert such information to knowledge,

you will not get the real truth. Now you are aware how to move with

1st soil to 2 nd soil. To move to 3rd soil, you should take knowledge you have, and select which knowledge of yours to be practiced, this is your wisdom. Your actions has to be practiced under the umbrella of pardoning and love. With this information explosion era, without the support of God, you cannot find what is truth in most of the cases, if you lose relationship with God!

Thank you!

God's bless you!

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