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Cycle 2:season:easter: Sunday No: 4: Date: 26/4/2015 Iawful Catholic

Back ground:
During Easter Sundays you will notice that all 3 major readings are from new testament. This indicates, that during Easter, you have to contemplate on new teachings of Christianity. 1st sunday of Easter, we found the Jesus resurrection, 2 nd sunday, we found, that christianity, is harping on not too much craving to our 5 senses. 3 rd sunday we found, the essential feature of catholism,how to find God's will for you. You belong to one element of God's society, where HE request you to do a different function. Today, you are invited to analyze, the essential difference of Christianity with other religions that exist in the world. While we respect all religions we have to be clear about the essential conceptual differences between others!

Preamble to todays reading:

B1 What is truth?
Your mind will decide what is truth for you and your Free Will carry out action according to that truth, Your truth may be different to my truth. Then what is the truth in Catholicism. To follow Catholicism, you should clearly believe and understand that Jesus has resurrected and You should practice the teachings of Jesus which is clearly given in new testaments. The ultimate outcome of following Catholicism is to lead a happy life both in this world and after death. Jesus new teaching, the guiding path or guiding law is same as old testament I.e 10 commandments. He fulfill this law, to allow Freedom to all humans, to use their Free Will, by developing pardoning principle. As against revenge actions practiced by old testament, by a chosen crowd. HE then showed us how to follow the God's will by each and individual human, to see the beauty of this world, as seen by God at the creation.
Every religion in this world, promote peace in the society, while they request to practice Love. To achieve these things they teach different paths. For example for catholics, the major law to be followed is 10 commandments, with no enemies. In Buddhism they have basic 5 rules(pansil).
In Muslim, they have 5 pillars.

There are 3 types of religions:
(1) God has created this world and you have being created by God.
(2) 5 basic elements creation
(3) No body has created, world exist on there own
Depending upon this difference of creation, there are 3 concept of outcome of living
(1) You live for happiness
(2) Life in this world is sorrow, and depend upon your previous rebirths(karma)
(3) You face life as it is moving with happy and sorrow

From this basic concepts, one can develop, what actions are needed for you to follow each and every religion!.


B.2.(1)The Bible does not number the commandments, who did and how?

The Bible itself never assigns a number to any one of the 10 commandments. They are listed twice in the scripture, in Exodus 20:2-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21

St Augustine(354-430A.D), bishop of Hippo, was the first to assign numbers to the ten commandments.

10 commandments:
(1) Thou shalt have no other Gods before Me
(2) Thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain
(3) Keep holy the Sabbath Day
(4) Honor thy father and mother
(5) Thou shalt not kill (means only HUMANS)(reson: 10 commandment exist before to JESUS, during that time one of the method of WORSHIPPING GOD was, slaughtering of animals, spreading of blood over the offering table.)
(6) Thou shall not commit adultery
(7) Thou shall not steal
(8) Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor
(9) Thou shall not covert thy neighbor's wife
(10) Thou shalt not covert thy neighbors goods
Note: Obs: there are 3 parts, com 1- 5 God & you, com 6-8 deals personal to you, com 9-10 deals with you & society.

B.2.(3) Difference of numbering of 10 commandments:

Because idolatry is the worship of false gods, St Augustine presumed Exodus 20:4/Deuteronomy5:8("Thou shall not make unto thee any graven image") was just a continuation of Exodus 20:3/Deuteronomy5:7("Thou shalt have no other God's before me"). In other word they belong in the same paragraph.
Origen and some Greek fathers of the church saw injunction against graven images and idols a separate commandment from the one forbidding worship of other Gods. This point of view would become the position of the Anglican, Calvanist, and Presbyterian churches. Hence, both systems counts the same first commandment as the same(no false Gods) but the catholic-luthern numbering(thanks to Augustine) counts number 2" Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain" where as the other system numbers that commandment as number 3. And it goes on, each one being one number different from the other until the very end. Then it is catch up timem the catholics-lutherens system divides Deuteromomy 5:21/Exodus 20:17 into 2 seperate commandments, number 9 being" Thou shalt not covert thy neighbour's wife" and number 10 being" Thou shall not covet thy neighbors goods". The anglican-calvanist systems keeps them together as number 10.

B.2.(4) How bible organized in chapters?

it was not until 1205 A.D that sephen langton, archbishop of Canterbury, divided the books of the Bible into chapter numbers, and it was another 350 years(in 1555 A.D) before Robert Stehanus the Bible chapters into verses. The original texts were written with no chapter,no verse, and no punctuation.

B.2.(5) More details from Catechism:

Articles 1691 through 2557 of the catechism of catholic church looks at all 10 commandments as the spring board for moral teaching and ethical behavior for the believers. There is a difference in numbering between the ten commandments cited by the catholics and Lutherans and the once cited by the other protestant traditions.

B.3. Recent development to bring harmony with other religions

Most of the Government in the world are helping to create conditions favorable to the fostering of religious life, in order that the people may be truly enable to exercise their religious rights and to full fill their religious duties, and also in order that society itself may profit by the moral qualities of justice and peace which have their origin in men's fulfillness to their religious outcomes.
In the view of peculiar circumstances obtaining among peoples,special civil recognition is given to one religious community in the constitutional order of society, it is at the same time imperative that the right of all citizens and religious communities to religious freedom should be recognized and made effective in practice.
Finally, government is to see to it that equality of citizens before the law, which is itself an element of the common good, is never violated, whether openly or covertly, for religious reasons. Nor is there to be discrimination among citizens.

B.4 Religious harmony with Moslems
Reference: the documents of vatican page 388- chapter 3 quote)

The church regards with esteem also the Moslems. They adore the one God, living and subsisting in Himself; merciful and all powerful, the creator of heaven and earth, who has spoken to men; they take pains to submit whole hearted ly to even His inscrutable decrees, just as Abraham, with whom faith of Islam take pleasure in linking itself, submitted to God. Though they don't acknowledge Jesus as God, they revere Him as a Prophet. They also honor Mary, His virgin mother; at times they even call her with devotion. In addition, they await the day of judgment when God will render their desert to all those who have been raised up from the dead. Finally, they value the moral life and worship God, specially through prayer, alms giving and fasting.
Since the course of centuries not a few quarrels and hostilities have arisen between Christian and Moslems, the vatican II urges all to forget the past and to work sincerely for mutual understanding and to preserve as well as to promote together for the benefit of all mankind social justice and moral welfare, as well as peace and freedom.

B.5 Stone rejected by you the builders, but which has proved to be the key stone.

Pope Francis in his encyclical 1, on faith says" Those who choose not to put their trust in God must hear the din of countless idols crying out:'Put your trust on me'
Their lives becomes futile, and their works barren, like a tree far from water. Once you think to turn away from God, your life begins to fall apart. In many areas in our lives we trust others who know more than we do. We trust the architect who builds our home, the pharmacist who gives us medicine for healing, the lawyer who defends us in court. We also need someone trust worthy and knowledgeable where God is concerned. Jesus, the son of God, is the one who makes God known to us.(Cf. Jn 1:18). ALL THREADS OF OLD TESTAMENT CONVERGE ON CHRIST. We believe Jesus when we personally welcome him into our lives and journey towards him, clinging to him in love and following in His footsteps along the way.
Finally Jesus left His mother, as our mother, only after doing so did Jesus know that"ALL WAS FINISHED"(Jn 19:28). At the foot of the Cross, at the supreme hour of the new creation, Christ led us to Mary. He brought us to her, because HE did not want us to journey without a mother, and our people read in this maternal image all the mysteries of the Gospel.

C. Today's reading:
Acts of apostles says(4:8-12)"..One you crucified..raised from dead..stone rejected..key stone.."

St john says(1Jn 3:1-2) "..think..love..father..God's children..what..we..see him.."

Gospel of John says(JN 10:11-18)
"Jesus said..I..good shepard..laid..His life..hired man..abandoned..sheep..runs..wolf coming..I lay..life..my own freewill..

Reminds: that we live in multi religious society. In order to understand Jesus teaching, we should be very clear of the law that has to be followed. I.e same 10 commandments(law) before to Jesus given in the old testament, but now we should practice pardoning, instead of taking revenge(teeth to teeth) practice those days. Otherwise we will be name sake catholics, without enjoying happiness in our life, as promised by our creator God!.
we cannot play foot ball, with Volleyball rules. We cannot drive a car, without knowing rules of that country. In America  you drive on the right hand side of the road, where as you drive in Uk, on the left hand side. Unfortunately, most of catholics, have develop their own religion for their own convenience, derived from their laziness and conditioning. Catholicism provide very simple method to enjoy happiness in this life-i.e
(1) Follow same 10 commandments
(2) Avoid anger,and always have a pardoning heart
(3)Hand over your sorrows/fears/disagreements to Holy mary/saints
(4)Follow God's will, by avoiding 7 vices(anger,sloth,pride,envy,avarice,lust and gluttony)

D. Conclusion:

This 4th sunday of easter, we were informed about the value of Good Shepard. It clearly indicates the easiest salvation to avoid fear and sorrow in our life is to practice the simple actions given by Jesus. We have to be clear that old testament we got to know how God has sent JESUS, to give full freedom to humans, to enjoy Happiness. FREEDOM IS NOT AN OPTION OR DIVERSITY OF OPINION, BUT THE ABILITY TO ACT WITHOUT BEING FORCED TO DO SO. Jesus teaching is easy to be practice (1) Universally (2) no restrictions to food/drinks (not to excercise gluttony)(3) No auspicious times, start work etc.
One should be clear, about the basic teachings of Jesus, when compared to other religions in order for him to practice and enjoy life!


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Sunday (26/4/2015) lawful Catholic(brief Version)

Acts of apostles says(4:8-12)"..One you crucified..raised from dead..stone rejected..key stone.."

St john says(1Jn 3:1-2) "..think..love..father..God's children..what..we..see him.."

Gospel of John says(JN 10:11-18)
"Jesus said..I..good shepard..laid..His life..hired man..abandoned..sheep..runs..wolf coming..I lay..life..my own freewill..

All readings sums up to address a common problem observed in our present society, to follow a hybrid religion!. Ie you add various rules of various religions, for your own convenience, and practice your self!.
It clearly address us to follow Catholism, and observe the mercy of God, like a Good Shepard.

To realise Jesus as Good Shepard,
You should lead your life- with 10 commandments:(law),With pardoning.
Avoid 7Vices.
Follow God's Will.

Without religion your life becomes futile,like tree far from water
You Respect all religions. Identify their basic rules but don't mix it with your's. You cannot play football,with volleyball rules..

ALL THREADS OF OLD TESTAMENT CONVERGE ON CHRIST.HE left His mother,as our mother,only after that Jesus knew"ALL WAS FINISHED" Jn19:28). At the foot of the Cross, supreme hour of new creation,HE led us to Mary,He brought us to her,because HE didn't  want us to journey without a mother.

Today, church invites us to be vigilant about our basic principles of catholism and trust only those rules!. Not to mix up with other religions. Always you have to respect all religions, since all of them carry a good message to the society, and can be  profit by the moral qualities of justice and peace which have their origin in men's fullfillness to their religious outcomes.

In order to realise the Good Shepard, one has to follow laws and guide lines given by the cathlism only.
For that praying Daily Rosary, is essential!

You/Good Shepard/ Daily Rosary?

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Cycle 2:season:easter: Sunday No: 3: Date: 19/4/2015. Forgetful Catholic

Back Ground: basic principles of Jesus teaching is being analyzed during
Easter season. During lent we observed:
Value of humility, how to handle mental and physical agonies, role of Holy Mary in Catholicism, How to manage earth bound affairs(Jesus resurrection), specially last sunday, with Thomas experience, how to manage, 5 wounds of Jesus in our life or how to manage our 5 senses, coming from ears,eyes,nose, mouth and touch!
Today, we are invited to reflect, essential features of Catholicism or Jesus teaching.

Preamble to today's reading

B.1 Value of new testament(From 1st encyclical of pope francis says:(ref chap14 and 15)

Faith is the God's free gift, which calls for humility & courage to trust & to entrust;it enables us luminous path leading to encounter of God & humanity: history of salvation. Christian faith is centered on Christ; It is the confession that Jesus is Lord & God has raised Him from the dead(cf.Rm10:9). All the threads of the old testament converge on Christ: He became the definitive"Yes" to all promises, the ultimate basis of our "Amen" to God(cf.2.co 1:20). The history of Jesus is the complete manifestation of God's reliability.

B.2 The new testament:

NEW TESTAMENT(27books)has being written 30-90yrs after Jesus death,(as compared to1000yrs for Hebrew Bible)consist of
(2)LIFE OF EARLY CHURCH-act of apostles
(3)LETTERS-PAUL;Romans,1&2 corinthians,Galatians,Ephesians,Philippian,Colossian,1&2Thessalonians,1&2Timothy, Titus,Philemon
(4)GENERAL LETTERS: Hebrews,James,1&2Peter,Jude,1,2&3John
(5)APOCALYPSE(Future events)-Revelations.


These book gives us enough guidance to contemplate how to lead our life according to JESUS TEACHINGS!.

B.3 Why there are 4 Gospel writers for Jesus life?
Our most significant source of information about Jesus Christ comes from Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John in the New Testament. Yet the four gospel accounts should not be taken as an exhaustive narrative of the life and work of Jesus. John, for example, explicitly states that his account does not contain everything Jesus did (John 21:25).
Instead, the four writers had a specific audience in mind to address a defined issue. To that end, each one selected and arranged the factual historical data of Jesus life in a way best suited for their chosen aim.  Chronology and exhaustive coverage of specific events was secondary. However, this does not negate the guiding hand of the Holy Spirit in shaping and directing the writers of the gospels through divine inspiration.
Because the gospels serve more as Spirit-drawn narrative portraits, any "harmonizing" of the four accounts falls to the student of the Bible. Weaving the gospels together is possible, but the gospels should never be taken as an exhaustive biography in the modern sense. Instead, the accounts follow the common ancient method of highlighting key events and themes. Each telling presents a distinct perspective on the same life.
Matthew: Christ is the Son of David, rightful heir to the Messianic throne. Here we see Christ's royal genealogy, the visit by the magi from the East to announce His kingly birth, and the proclamation of His laws in the Sermon on the Mount.
Mark: Here we find Jesus as the Servant of God. Although Jesus came as God to earth, He completely submitted Himself to the will of the Father in heaven and took on the form of a servant. Anything extraneous to that theme is excluded, which is why the narrative contains no references to Jesus birth or youth.
Luke: To Luke, Jesus is the Son of Man—fully human but unlike any other human being in His perfect submission to God's will. For this reason, Luke traces the genealogy back to Adam (the first human).
John: John presents Jesus as the Son of God—fully divine. Jesus is not only flesh and bones, but He is also the Creator of all things in the beginning (John 1). Jesus reveals His nature as "I am," a title God gave as His own.
In many cases, claims concerning the "contradictions" between the gospels ignore the different purposes of the four writers. The focus helps us understand what each intended to emphasize in the character of Christ. One account could never capture the complete picture.

B.4 New Testament: A new concept to follow the God's will
In the old testament, we observed, a selected race was instructed by God directly of forth coming Messiah, Jesus Christ. With the New concept, the old 10 commandments did not change. But eye to eye principle was changed to 'change your other cheek' and completely new concept of following God's will for you has been introduced. Also the new concept is introduced not only to a single race but to whole of the humanity!.
After Jesus resurrection, to find out the God's Will for you is difficult unless you don't strive for that!. Now, there are no angles,no dreams,no stars to tell you,what is the God's will for you!

B.5 how to find out the God's Will for you?
There are two steps
(1) Develop a happy mind in you. When you avoid anger and laziness present in your life, you develop a peaceful mind. Then you develop worry less mind by handing over your fears and sorrows to Holy mary/saints. Then to develop happy mind, you avoid other 5 vices(Pride,lust,avarice, envy and gluttony), by balancing your 5 senses to work for the glory of God.
(2) Find out in your life, what God expect out of you?

B.6 Our personal life work

As with our Nazareth Trio, every single human person has been entrusted by the Creator with a special life work- one made and measured each of us personally so that we might give Him maximum glory and service. St John Paul II's maximum emphasizes this principle."Everyone" it says, "has a special something to do for God".
Again as with Holy Family, the general guideline we are to follow in performing our life work is to be found in doing the divine will at all times. What Christ said of Himself in this matter should become the lodestar of our lives;" My meat is to do the will of Him who sent me, and to accomplish the task He gave me"(Jn 4:34)
But can it be said that each of us has been"sent" by God?. The answer is YES. God's gift of a life time task to everyone clearly implies that they have received from Him a corresponding mission and purpose. And though the precise pattern of that life work may at times be difficult to discern, it remains ever with us as we make our pilgrimage-way down the years. And the whole point our pilgrimage, as St Ignatius saw clearly, is that we praise,reverence and serve our Creator and thereby save our souls.
It goes without saying, then, the perfect of God's plan should be our overriding aim in life. And here we can draw much help from the Holy Spirit's gift of wisdom. For it's essential benefit is that it gives us a true perspective on life,enabling us to view it not only as a divine gift but as a sacred task committed to us on earth. Only in eternal life will we fully grasp the scope and the grandeur of what we have done for our Creator and Redeemer.
Also we shall there see how we have helped others- please God, many others-to reach the same glorious destination. Newman saw deeply into all these realities:

C. Today's reading:
Act of apostel's says((acts 3:13-15. 17-19)"Peter said..Pilath..decided..release Him..U..accused Holy one..demande reprieve of a murderer..now..U must repent..U'r sins will be wiped out"
John says(1Jn2:1-5)"..stop U sinning,..Christ..sacrifice that takes away sins..Anyone..says'I know Him'..doesnot keep His Commandment is a Liar.."
LK(24:35-48) says" ..Disciples recognized..JESUS..said 'Peace be with U'..why ..doubts rising..look at my hands & feet..He ate before their eyes..He told..written..Christ would suffer.."

(1) You may be a christian, but when you don't follow 10 commandments, with no enemies and when you don't follow God's Will, you become liar!.
(2) The results of old testament boils down to Jesus life. Too much harp on old testament forgetting new testament, is not Christianity
(3)Catholicism is the easy method of achieving + thinking. You can always forget your past wrong doings, and look forward for the future with a positive hope of achieving Happiness!

D. Conclusion: Today the 3rd sunday, church invites us to remember, primary two points to enjoy happiness, in this life
(1) Follow commandments
(2) Follow God's will, for you


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Sunday(19/4)Forgetful Catholic:(brief version)

Act of Apostle's says"Peter said..Pilate.. decided..release Him..you..accused Holy one..demand reprieve of murderer..now.. You must repent..your sins will be wiped out"

John says"..stop you sinning..Christ..sacrifice  that takes away sins..Anyone..says 'I know Him'..doesn't keep His Commandment is a Liar.."

LK(24:35-48)says "..Disciples
recognised..JESUS..said 'Peace be with U'..why..doubts rising..look at my hands & feet..He ate before their eyes..He told.. written..Christ would suffer.."

(1)All threads of old testament converge on Christ and you have to lead your life according to the new testament.

(2)You to follow His commandments and His Will.

The new message of Jesus, summarises that

3steps to follow,to identify God's Will for U(1)10 comms, with no enemies(2)handover your' worries to Holy Mary/saints(3)avoid7vices.

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Cycle 2:season:easter: Sunday No: 2: Date: 12/4/2015.Bloodless Catholic:

A. Back ground:
Easter season we are invited to understand new concepts introduced from Judaism to Christianity: During lent we observed:

 Holy thursday-Jesus washes feet of His Disciples- How to be humble in our life:

Gethsamane: how to treat mental agonies:

Cross: how to treat physical agonies & how to lead our life balancing the 5 senses deriving from eyes,ears,mouth,nose,touch (equivalent to 5 wounds).

last sunday we reflected on important characteristics introduced by Jesus, the resurrection- how to balance our life with worldly attractions. Today, it further analyses, the natural tendency of craving to satisfy to our Worldly passions deriving from our 5 senses!.
Thomas wanted to test the wounds of Jesus by putting his finger to the wounds to believe.

B. Preamble for today's reading:


Paul's letter to Romans(Rm6:3-11) says" when we were baptized in Christ Jesus we were baptized in His death: in other words when we were baptized, we went into the tomb with Him and joined Him in death, so that as Christ was raised from the death by Father's Glory, we too might live a new life."

When Christ was dead, the dead body was placed at the lap of Holy mary. Clearly indicates, that our life wounded by sins of our body, has to be rested on the lap of Holy Mary!

The above clearly shows, that
(1) Jesus 5 wounds shows, that our action of satisfying 5 senses has to be done to show the God's glory of creation
(2) During our life, we sinned. As sinners to find salvation, we have to invite Holy Mary to our life, for her to intercede with God, on behalf of us.


People have worldly passions,unless they do it for the glory of God, which lead them into delusion and suffering.
There are 5 ways to lead their life from the bond of worldly passions. They should have the correct ideas of things, based on the principles of creation!(Given by Catholicism).
Then they can get rid of these mistaken observations and resulting worldly passions by careful and patient mind control. With efficient mind control they can avoid desires arising from the stimulation of the eyes,ears, tongue,skin and subsequent mental processes and by so doing, balance the very root of all worldly passions, which is not based on Jesus' teachings.

There are 5 groups of desires in the world.
Desires arising from the forms of the eyes see
From the sounds the ears hear
From the fragrances the nose smells
From the tastes pleasant to tongue
From things that are agreeable to the sense of touch

Most people, being influenced by the body's love of comfort,(forgetting that those are given by God) do not notice the evils that follow comfort(by craving into it) they are caught in the devil's trap like a deer in the forest caught in hunter's trap.

How to balance the trap of worldly passions?.

Suppose you caught a snake, a crocodile, a bird, a dog,and a monkey, 5 creatures of very different natures, and you tie them together with a strong rope and let them go. Each of these 5 creatures will try to go back to its own lair by its own method.

The snake will seek covering of grass, the crocodile will seek water, the bird will want to fly in the air, the dog will seek a villege,while monkey will seek the trees of the forest. IN THE ATTEMPT OF EACH TO GO ITS OWN WAY THERE WILL BE A STRUGGLE, BUT, BEING TIED TOGETHER BY A ROPE, THE STRONGEST AT ANY ONE TIME WILL DRAG THE REST.

Like the creatures in this story, a man is leading his life, by the desires of his 5 senses,EYES,EARS,NOSE,TONGUE,TOUCH. MIND will be controlled by the predominate desire, and thru' the brain, you activate actions!
If the 5 creatures are all tied to a post, they will try to get free until they are tired out, and then will lie down by the post. Post is the commandments that has being given by God for you to lead happy life. Just like this, if people will train and control the mind, all 5 senses live in harmony.  IF THE MIND IS UNDER CONTROL PEOPLE WILL HAVE HAPPINESS BOTH NOW AND FUTURE!.
Identify the rope for each desire in this example then tie that rope to Post of God, to see Happiness in this life too!.


Human has being created by God according to His image. There are no 2 human are identical in this creation. Like computer you get hardware and software. All hardware appears to be same but not software
You develop your life pattern(software) according to your religion, environment and your capability of 5 senses. No 2 people 5 senses are equal.  How you maximize your 5 senses to the glory of creator is a challenge of your life. Without your knowledge 5 vices such as Pride, lust, avarice, envy, gluttony attracting your own capability forgetting God. This wounds the purpose of creation!.

C. Today's reading:
Act of apostles says(Acts 4:32-35)"the whole group..held in common. The apostles..testify..resurrection..with great power..great respect."

 John says(1 Jn 5:1-6)" Whoever believes..Christ..victory over the world-our faith..Christ who came by water and blood, not with water only..spirit is..truth.

Jn(20:19-31) says"in the evening..Jesus came and stood..as the father sent me,so am I sending you..Thomas..unless I see the holes..put my finger..eight days later..'Put your finger..doubt no longer but believe..happy are those who have not seen and yet believe.."
(1) Water/blood(wine) represent life(behavior) and happiness
(2)believing is a result of focusing on a subject(spirit). Seeing is practical outcome make you to believe,even without focusing.
(3)When you focus about life- you can focus on answering the following questions: who decided for you to come to this world from your parents?, what is the purpose of living?, like thomas can we say"unless I put my finger into wounds I don't believe"?
8 days later,resembles 7 vices including sloth and Anger
(Inordinate craving for 5 senses) or can we search answers from Catholicism?
Jesus invites you to focus about your life(spirit), to practically enjoy Happiness!.

SPIRIT,WATER & BLOOD- essential ingredients of human life.
Spirit- to acquire knowledge/reflecting
Water- commandments of God(10 commandments with no enemies)/following God's will
Blood- Happiness of your life(no fear and sorrow)

D. Conclusions:

1st sunday of easter, church invites us to reflect the basic features of Catholicism!. Resurrection of Jesus Christ to show

(1)Happiness(going against earth bound desires) can be achieved
(2) Effects of your previous sins are nullified
(3) Less fear and sorrow in your life

Today, it focused on to the earth bound attraction to satisfy your 5 senses to crave on Money,Power and desires!. Catholicism, Jesus message is not barring desires but it harp that desires has to be carried out in anticipation of the need of the creator, Your God. For example, it is not prohibited to drink alcohol, but too much drinking has to be controlled by one self for his own health or his own happiness!. In the Holy Mass, wine has to be minimum of 14% strength of alcohol!. Thomas wanted to put his fingers to achieve faith(happiness) to 5 wounds(earth bound 5 desires) to satisfy himself, similar to us. But craving on 5 senses too much wound the jesus more.
Always, our sinning life has to be placed on the lap of Mary. This is what God, in His own wisdom has shown us,just before Resurrection. So there are 3 occasions God has shown us that we should intercede with Holy Mary for our Happiness.
(1) 1st Miracle at Cana
(2) At the Cross, just before His death, handing over all humanity to Holy Mary
(3) Just after death of Jesus, His wouned death body was placed on the lap of Holy Mary.
Hence, it is always better, to reflect our main sins, with regard to 5 senses, just before we recite Rosary, for the intercession of Holy mary, to intercede for her to God, with regard to control our earth bound desire cravings to reach our happiness!


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